The Big Bang Scam

PSI Blog 20240930 The Big Bang Scam

Thanks to Bill, whose latest response was so great that we decided to present it as a Guest Post in honor of his father:

James Paul Wesley (1921-2007), Renown Theoretical Physicist Opposed to Cosmogony and Nuclear Proliferation.



The Big Bang Scam


By Bill Wesley, Arrayist


Notice that when they provide titles such as, "The James Webb Observation Breaks Cosmology!" or " The Big Bang Challenged by New Observations!" and so on the article itself will spend all its text on wearily reiterating the standard cosmological model for the 10,000th time and then will suggest that no one understands what’s wrong, but that we should not give up on the standard cosmological model, that it’s merely a problem of reexamining the dynamics of galaxy formation or some other small tweak that someone will think of soon.


We are asked not to panic or jump to conclusions, the titanic cosmological model has encountered a minor obstetrical, will soon be fixed and that's all, we are reminded that cosmology is unsinkable!


So it’s a scam, they are using the title to reiterate what is not working yet again under the premise that nothing else but reiteration can fix it.


In any other field this is called neurosis, the record keeps skipping back but the listener thinks it’s going forwards.


 I told my physicist friends well before the launch that I thought the James Webb would not find small primordial galaxies in the "early" (distant) universe but galaxies much like the milky way and other local galaxies it counted for ZERO credibility on my part when it turned out exactly as I said it would.


I explained that this was going to happen because the big bang consensus emerged due to of issues of conformity and social bonding having zero to do with science, but this fell on deaf ears.


The big bang is a CULT belief, you are joining a GROUP and not adhering to rational science. People who defer from the consensus are PUNISHED; people who accept the consensus are REWARDED which is called CONDITIONING. Heretical beliefs are censored, canonical beliefs are published, its propaganda used to support a publishing empire that uses COERCION to keep everyone on the same page.


Now they are trying to say that "early" galaxies are not really large, that it’s larger black holes at their centers that give us this illusion which they can get away with because the images are fuzzy, the fuzzier the image the more they take advantage.


Earlier on the Hubble telescope produced very fuzzy images of distant galaxies so they claimed they could already see that more distant galaxies were less developed, it was a universal mantra.


I told my educated friends that I thought this was due to them reading into fuzzy images what they wanted to see, just like the claims of UFOs in fuzzy photos, or of Big Foot, or of channels or even canals on Mars. You can read whatever you like into vague images. I was assured that these were advanced scientific concepts that went way beyond fuzzy photos and that I was too ignorant. to appreciate the care that went into the claims


Yes, they were highly advanced WRONG scientific concepts that got refuted the minute the James Webb made the images clearer.


An advanced scientist looking into the mist sees advanced illusions while an uneducated person looking into the mist sees uneducated illusions, but everyone looking into the mist sees whatever illusion they expect to see, that's why they call it MYSTERY. (mist-ery)


People of all stripes seem to think that INTELLIGENCE can solve any problem, but many very highly intelligent people have a personality that makes them conformist followers to the core such that they are incapable of taking a stand against the majority of their peers.


Many intelligent people never create or discover anything and a highly intelligent person has recourse to advanced forms of rationalization that the unintelligent could never manage. Intelligence helps with every manner of gaslighting.


Innovators are the people who do not fear standing apart, who do not value consensus for consensus sake as DOES the vast majority of persons. Curiosity matters far more than intelligence, love of adventure is what innovators display, the instinct to fit in stands explicitly in the way of progress, to advance an art or a science requires one to be oblivious to whether they fit in or not, it’s content that matters to an innovator, not social status.


If one is intelligent that does not mean one is independent minded, but if one is independent minded and intelligent, that is a powerful indicator that one can create and discover new content that is difficult to arrive at. Intelligence is far more common than an independent spirit so it’s a huge mistake to conflate intelligence with independence, some of the least innovative people on earth are very intelligent.





PSI Blog 20240930


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