Universal Expansion Bites the Dust—Again

 PSI Blog 20240916 Universal Expansion Bites the Dust—Again


Cosmogonists attempt to ditch the silly idea the universe is expanding.


"Astronomers use the light from distant stars, such as the Helix Nebula seen here, to measure the apparent expansion of the universe. New research suggests there may be more to the picture that we're not seeing. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC)"


Two readers just found two different articles each trying to rid the world of the ridiculous universal expansion theory in two different ways. George had this to say:




In your blog from October 23,2023 you make a great argument against the theory that the universe is expanding. You have written about how it is not possible to have an expanding universe in one that is already infinite in size.




As you know, I have been making the same assertion as you with evidence from many studies that support this position in my two books since 2017, including in six pages of Notfinity Process: Matter-In-Motion (2021).


In a June 2, 2023 paper published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity theoretical physics Professor Lucas Lombriser of the University of Geneva proposes that the universe is flat and static as opposed to expanding. Here is the link to an article about his paper:


The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests


Although I know you will not agree with all his points, I am certain you will approve of his eliminating the idea of dark energy in a non-expanding universe. Your readers may be interested in your view of Professor Lombriser’s paper and any other comments about your view on a non-expanding cosmos.


George Coyne”


[GB: George: Thanks for the link. You are right. Energy does not exist. It is an equation we use to describe the motion of matter. BTW: I don’t think universal expansion is an “illusion” or “mirage.” It simply is a gross misinterpretation based on Einstein’s Untired Light Theory. That was based on the false assumption light was a massless particle containing perfectly empty space traveling perpetually through perfectly empty space. Particles lose energy over distance by losing velocity (e.g., a baseball or bullet). Light does not lose velocity over distance because it actually is a wave in the aether. Velocity in aether is controlled by that medium. The only way it loses “energy” is via the cosmological redshift, which indeed does increase over distance just like Zwicky’s Tired Light Theory says.]


[GB: Thanks Jesse for this one]


"A chink in the armour?




[GB: The author writes:


“The results showed that galaxies that rotate in the opposite direction relative to the Milky Way have lower redshift compared to galaxies that rotate in the same direction relative to the Milky Way,” Dr. Shamir said. “That difference reflects the motion of the Earth as it rotates with the Milky Way. But the results also showed that the difference in the redshift increased when the galaxies were more distant from Earth.”


“Because the rotational velocity of the Earth relative to the galaxies is constant, the reason for the difference can be the distance of the galaxies from Earth. That shows that the redshift of galaxies changes with the distance, which is what Zwicky predicted in his Tired Light theory.”


[GB: That fits our falsifications of the Big Bang Theory, one of which is a photo showing no separation between galaxies with distance.]




PSI Blog 20240916


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1 comment:

Glenn Borchardt said...

From Bill Wesley:
This is a recent article, the title is silly. It was time to consider alternatives to the big bang 50 years ago, the patient is long dead and in a state of decay and they suggest that it might be time to take them to the hospital now!
Another article.
What a pop this cosmological bubble will make when it does, the physics/cosmological funding equivalent of Tulip mania.
No matter how many bubbles we go through, the basic lesson of avoiding future bubbles seems never to be learned, all past bubbles are taken to mean all bubbles are in the past, paving the way for the next bubble of the future.
Once the bubble pops everyone inside will most likely claim they always knew universal expansion/inflation was wrong, that they never did really believe in the big bang and that they were only along for the ride.
They will also claim "we didn't know" and that "belief in the big bang was perfectly reasonable at the time because we did not have enough information" and that "crushing all the people who were suggesting alternatives was reasonable at the time because the proponents of other theories failed to convince us, so they were inept, we were just doing our jobs"
After World War II we discovered that no one in Germany had supported the Fuhrer's policies, they had all been unwilling innocent participants.
Still watching all the rats making haste for the flotsam should be amusing.