“The Scientific Worldview (2nd ed)” Released

PSI Blog 20250127 “The Scientific Worldview (2nd ed)” Released

This step-by-step logic describes the scientific worldview leading to a rational interpretation that will replace classical mechanics, systems philosophy, and Big Bang cosmogony by 2050. 

“The Scientific Worldview” is the most important book you will ever read.


How do I know this? It is because scientists know when their work solves problems previously unresolved. Science is motivated by curiosity. If you are half as curious as I am, this is the book for you. Maybe you are like the person who wanted to know “Why the world wags and what wags it.” Maybe you are dissatisfied with some of the weird proclamations of physics and cosmology. Do you really think the entire universe exploded out of nothing? That it is expanding from no particular point? That it has four dimensions? Do you really like talk of wormholes and oxymoronic multiverses? Are you ready for some rationality instead?


This book has rationality in spades. How was it that I came up with "The Scientific Worldview" when no one else was able to do so? Here is a bit about how I got to that point and how Infinite Universe Theory necessarily became a major result:


1.   The First Step was to choose the standpoint from which to begin. I was lucky in coming upon R.G. Collingwood’s insinuation that all of philosophy was founded on unprovable presuppositions that always had unprovable opposites. Unfortunately, most of today’s scientists do not recognize they have presuppositions and are turned off by the word “unprovable.” Hypotheses that cannot be proven by an observation or experiment amenable to the five senses are disregarded. It turns out this unprovable quality of presuppositions is due to the fact the universe is infinite—microcosmically as well as macrocosmically. If the assumption of infinity is correct, then the complete proof demanded by classical mechanics is impossible. There is always a plus or minus produced by objects of which we are necessarily unaware.

2.   The Second Step was to drag my own hidden presuppositions into the light of day. Once discovered, these would be called “fundamental assumptions” by Collingwood. He did not say what they were—that became my job. As a budding scientist I had always assumed there were causes for all effects. That meant there was no such thing as “free will”—I became a staunch determinist. The result was “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” published in 2004 and included as the philosophical foundation of the current volume.

3.   The Third Step led to a new way of thinking about evolution. Infinity, being both macrocosmic as well as microcosmic, implied there was a universal mechanism of evolution, which I eventually called univironmental determinism (UD) (what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter in motion within and without). That replaced the old mechanism called neo-darwinism, which only concerned biology.

4.   The Fourth Step led to the realization univironmental determinism and the Scientific Worldview were one and the same.

5.   The Fifth Step led to a reduction or abstraction I introduced as “neomechanics,” which is classical mechanics based on the scientific assumption of infinity.

6.   The Sixth Step led to an expansion that applied UD to the entire universe, calling the method "univironmental analysis.” Like neomechanics, this approach emphasizes material collisions resulting in the convergence and divergence of matter and the motion of matter.

7.   The Seventh Step led inevitably to the inclusion of humanity in the analysis, with some surprises often overlooked by previous philosophers who mistakenly and typically used many of the religious opposites of The Ten Assumptions of Science. 


Here are a few conclusions explained in detail in the book:


Time cannot dilate.

Time is not a dimension.

Time is the motion of matter.

There are only three dimensions.

The universe is infinite and eternal.

Perfectly solid matter exists nowhere.

Perfectly empty space exists nowhere.

Humanity will not cause its own extinction.

Photons do not exist, but aether particles do.

The Big Bang Theory is the Last Creation Myth.

Decelerated aether forms an “aetherosphere” around ordinary matter.

Clocks speed up with altitude due to impacts by high pressure distal aether particles.

The assumption the universe is expanding is based on Einstein’s erroneous Untired Light Theory.

Distal aether pressure increases with distance from ordinary matter per Newton’s equation for gravitation.

Local aether particles produce gravitation by accelerating ordinary matter, becoming decelerated in the process.

Relativity and cosmogony are popular because they are founded on the religious opposites of The Ten Assumptions of Science.

Matter forms during the convergence of aether particles of varying size and capacities for providing refuge against the onslaught of other aether particles.

The zero-population growth predicted to occur after 2050 will lead to economic stagnation, a new enlightenment, and the demise of the Big Bang Theory.


I made the book as clear as possible. There isn’t much math, and most any college graduate or self-taught person will understand it. Because of its ground-breaking nature, it is well documented. There are 37 illustrations, 370 references, 156 glossary entries, 801 footnotes, a list of 25 falsifications of the Big Bang Theory, an index, and, finally, a list of 19 accomplishments.


I know the fundamental assumptions I emphasize may be new to you. For instance, switching from the religious assumption of finity to the scientific assumption of infinity, seems particularly difficult for most folks. This probably is because that myopic propaganda in support of finity has been incessant for millennia. After all, that hidden religious presupposition still is the foundation of today’s cosmology. Anyone who opposes it will be censored forthwith.


Luckily, the advent of the Internet allows publication without the kind of “peer review” that would stop univironmental determinism and Infinite Universe Theory in its tracks. As an editor for a decade, I know how that works. Nearly all scientific reports are “ordinary science”—mine included. Out of over 500 professional publications, I had only one rejection, and that was by a consultant defending a developer wishing to build in a hazardous area.


Here is your chance to find out what the scientific worldview really is and why it leads to the Infinite Universe Theory and will result in the demise of the Last Creation Myth.


Now that you might consider buying the new edition of "The Scientific Worldview," which version will it be? Amazon has five possibilities to fit your budget:


1.   Kindle version for $3. This is nice because you can increase the type size and see the 18 color photos, including some of the “elderly galaxies” found by the James Webb Space Telescope at the “edge of the universe.”

2.   Audiobook for $4. Although it is not as dramatic and does not have the emphasis and wonderful enthusiasm that Fred Frees gave to the First Edition, the AI voice is pleasant enough. Fred, good thing you retired before you got replaced by AI.

3.   Black and white paperback for $15. Book launch deal!

4.   Color paperback for $65. Amazon discount price now $52.

5.   Color hardcover for $70. Amazon discount price now $62.




Some nice comments from readers of the first edition:


"What is so marvelous about this book that I think you've got to read it?


Well. This book...should at least be read by every serious scientist. And then a prominent place for it should be found for it on a very close bookshelf. Not just to be left there... Because this book should be frequently consulted - You should now and then return to this book and re-read it, until its views are internalized as "second nature " as a means of validating alleged findings and new theories and - in general - when one considers what goes on in the natural sciences.


Really!? Yes Really.


After I read "The Scientific Worldview," I had to revise my list of my top-ten philosophers. And among those alive, Glenn Borchardt has rocketed himself up to become the absolute number one.


So - Read the book. Buy it! It is worth it. It is outstanding.” Bent K. Nielsen, Denmark.


“I didn't read this as the next theory in science. It is THE philosophy for science for the 21st century.” David de Hilster, U.S.


“…this has to be one of the most important books I've ever read. I think the author has a very keen insight on how nature really works… His ideas are very easy to grasp… Highly ahead of its time…” Mitchel J. Haas, U.S.


“Dr. Borchardt's keen sense of reality and of logic lead…the reader to a deep understanding of the universe… He draws a clear line between things that are real and things we delude ourselves into believing are real.” Duncan Shaw, Canada


 “If reading popular science books and articles on physics and cosmology leaves you thinking "where are the missing puzzle pieces"? . . . You should read Glenn Borchardt. …thought-provoking. Delightfully entertaining. No other science book ever put such a big smile on my face.” Rick Doogie, U.S.





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