The Two Kinds of “Dark Matter”

PSI Blog 20250211 The Two Kinds of “Dark Matter”


Below I try to dispel the confusion produced by promoters of the Big Bang Theory with regard to “Dark Matter.”


Aether particles, like this baseball, do not have to be “alive” to be in motion (Borchardt, 2025, Fig. 3).


As so often happens, folks mix a bit of reality with their imaginary preconceptions. Cosmogonists have been particularly adept at this such as by using starlight refraction past the Sun as proof of Einstein’s curved perfectly empty space-time, etc. Here, they extend Vera Rubin’s data to support their preconceived notions about the Big Bang Theory, while remaining in aether denial. So the two kinds of dark matter are:


1.   The kind responsible for aetherosphere around ordinary matter.

2.   The kind used as ad hocs imagined by the most recent version of the Big Bang Theory to contend with recent falsifications.


[GB: Thanks Dona for the compliment and for your questions. Here are the answers:]


Dona: “In your view, is dark matter just a form of matter, or could it be something more—perhaps a living entity?”


[GB: “Dark Matter” consists of aether particles, which are too tiny to be seen individually. They are analogous to the nitrogen and oxygen molecules that constitute the air all around us. Those molecules also are not luminous and do not reflect light. Dark matter is always in motion, though it is definitely not alive.]


Dona: “If it is truly 'dark' and without a pulse, how can it interact with the universe and be considered a fundamental component?”


[GB: Per univironmental determinism (what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter in motion within and without) all portions of the Infinite Universe can interact with other portions. Here is what Perplexity AI says about dark matter:]


“Dark matter is essential to the Big Bang theory because it helps explain several key aspects of the universe's structure and evolution that cannot be accounted for by ordinary matter alone. Here are the main reasons:


1.       Formation of Large-Scale Structures: Dark matter's gravitational effects are critical for the clumping and clustering of matter in the universe. It provides the necessary gravitational pull to form galaxies, galaxy clusters, and other large-scale structures. Without dark matter, the observed distribution of galaxies and cosmic structures would not match theoretical predictions145. [Numbers refer to Perplexity’s references.]


[GB: Note: Gravitation is not a “pull.” There are no true pulls in nature. Substitute the word “push” for “pull,” and then the above observations are in tune with my “Aether Deceleration Theory” of gravitation. When aether particles collide with ordinary matter to produce the acceleration called gravitation, they become decelerated and thus tend to form an “aetherosphere” around ordinary matter. In particular, that explains the rotation curves of spiral galaxies mention in No. 3 below. The upshot is that the formation of ordinary matter is the result of the slowing down of aether particles.]


2.       “Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Observations: The CMB, a relic radiation from the early universe, shows patterns of density fluctuations that align with the presence of dark matter. These fluctuations would not have grown into the structures we observe today without dark matter's gravitational influence35.”


[GB: Note: According to Infinite Universe Theory the Cosmic Microwave Background has nothing to do with the “early universe” hypothesized by cosmogonists who still support the Big Bang Theory. We suspect the Cosmic Microwave Background simply is the equilibrium state produced by light from great distances in the Infinite Universe. Its redshift is z=1089. Remember that the “cosmological principle” of the Big Bang Theory states that the early universe was “perfectly homogenous” and that the theory predicted it would have a temperature of 10 degrees Kelvin (it actually turned out to be 2.7 degrees Kelvin, which is closer to the temperature predicted by reformists). See Figure 27 in "The Scientific Worldview" (2nd edition) or Figure 46 in “Infinite Universe Theory” to see how ordinary matter forms from aether particles. Remember also that Einstein’s particle theory of light requires outer space to be perfectly empty and thus devoid of any temperature at all. Without his photon theory and the erroneous interpretation the universe is expanding, the Big Bang Theory would have been dead on arrival.]


3.       “Gravitational Influence on Ordinary Matter: Dark matter interacts with normal matter only through gravity. Its presence explains phenomena such as the rotation curves of galaxies, where stars at the edges of galaxies rotate faster than expected based on visible matter alone56.”


[GB: As mentioned above, this is true. The aetherosphere around all ordinary matter contributes to its mass in the same way the atmosphere does. This was established by Vera Rubin as summarized here:  Rubin, V.C., 2000, One hundred years of rotating galaxies: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 112, p. 747–750. [10.1086/316573].]


4.       “Compatibility with Inflationary Models: The Big Bang theory includes a period of rapid expansion called inflation. Dark matter fits into this framework by being uniformly distributed initially and later forming density fluctuations that seeded galaxy formation14.”


[GB: Sorry, but dark matter is not “uniformly distributed” and does not support the cosmological principle. In addition, the inflation theory is false, an ad hoc invented to explain the calculated greater than c “recession values” that more high-powered telescopes began to display. The cosmological redshift is simply a result of distance light has traveled. According to common sense, nothing travels from point A to B without losing energy, which causes the cosmological redshift. Unfortunately, all cosmogonists must accept Einstein’s Untired Light Theory based on the false assumption that light was a massless particle containing perfectly empty space traveling  perpetually through perfectly empty space. None of that is possible. It is all just imaginary and therefore irrational.]


5.       “Potential "Dark Big Bang" Scenario: Recent studies suggest that dark matter might have originated in a separate "Dark Big Bang," distinct from the regular Big Bang. This scenario allows dark matter to evolve independently, consistent with its lack of interaction with ordinary matter beyond gravity12.”


[GB: Egads! This kind of nonsense is what makes reformists suspect dark matter to be bogus in its entirety despite Rubin’s publications. Also, I can’t imagine what kind of interactions aether could have “with ordinary matter beyond gravity.”]


Dona: “And if, instead, it is a sentient and intelligent form, do you think it possesses its own dimensional archive—a kind of memory that could help us better understand its nature and how to interact with it?”


[GB: No. Sentient microcosms make illusory “free will” decisions that typically result in their destruction or survival. Aether particles do not make decisions because they do not have nervous systems to do so. Aether particles are like the baseball hit by a bat—it doesn’t get to decide where it will go. Also, there are only 3 dimensions in Infinite Universe Theory per univironmental determinism as explained in our books.] 



PSI Blog 20250211


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