When Did Time Really Begin? The Little Loophole in the Big Bang

PSI Blog 20200622 When Did Time Really Begin? The Little Loophole in the Big Bang

Time is motion, but by definition, regressive physicists and cosmogonists do not know what time is. Their confusion seems boundless—well, almost. At least Hawking knew there would be no time without a universe. Although he was not a particularly good materialist, he seems to have had a vague recollection of Hegel’s famous dictum, which is the Fourth Assumption of Science, inseparability (Just as there is no motion without matter, so there is no matter without motion).

Read this article and watch how regressives dance all around the “mysterious” concept of time:

“In this invigorating PBS segment, New York-based Australian astrophysicist Matt O’Dowd delves into the science and splendor of when time actually began and what that illuminates about the nature of a universe which contains everything we know, including the mind that does the knowing, yet one which we are still getting to know”:

“In this next segment, O’Dowd considers the possibilities, as presently understood, of what might have happened before the Big Bang:”

Note how certain Matt is about the expanding universe interpretation. He obviously is not aware it is based on Einstein’s “Untired Light Theory”[1] and its assumption that space must be perfectly empty. Hope these two bits of PBS-sanctioned propaganda don’t make you too sick.

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 337 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].

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