Perfectly Empty Space Meets an Overdue Death--Again

PSI Blog 20200706 Perfectly Empty Space Meets an Overdue Death--Again

Einstein’s crucial assumption that space is perfectly empty continues to be battered by mean old data. Einstein’s light particles have to travel through the universe at a constant velocity without losing energy. Of course, light is not a particle. It is a wave, as Sagnac showed in 1913.[1] All real particles lose velocity over distance. The velocity of wave motion is controlled by the medium and therefore is constant over distance. It too, losses energy, with wave lengths increasing over distance.

Thanks to Marilyn for this heads up on this research summarized by J. Xavier Prochaska and Jean-Pierre Macquart. The takeaway here is what happens to certain radio waves when they travel through the universe. They review one of the first discoveries indicating space was not empty:

“This was termed the “warm-hot intergalactic medium” and nicknamed “the WHIM.” The WHIM, if it existed, would solve the missing baryon problem but at the time there was no way to confirm its existence.

In 2001, another piece of evidence in favor of the WHIM emerged. A second team confirmed the initial prediction of baryons making up 5% of the universe by looking at tiny temperature fluctuations in the universe’s cosmic microwave background [CMB]…”

This was the famous Nobel-prize work of Penzias and Wilson of Bell Labs, who published two papers on their discovery of the CMB in 1965.[2] Of course, these data had to be erroneously interpreted by others as confirmation of the Big Bang Theory, which assumes the universe was once a million degrees. Universal expansion during the last 13.8 billion years is supposed to have led to the cooling indicated by the CMB measurement.

Of course, their data proved no such thing. They actually were a disproof of the theory, since the expansion hypothesis on which the Big Bang Theory is based itself requires perfectly empty space. The temperature of perfectly empty space would have been 0oK. Instead, it was about 2.7oK. Temperature, of course, is the motion of matter. Any temperature above 0oK would mean there was matter in outer space.

That matter is what the current study was searching for. The CMB data came up with only half of the 5% cosmic matter predicted by the assumptions of Big Bang Theory.

The current study uses the 2007-discovery of fast radio bursts (FRB):

“FRBs are extremely brief, highly energetic pulses of radio emissions. Cosmologists and astronomers still don’t know what creates them, but they seem to come from galaxies far, far away.[3]

As these bursts of radiation traverse the universe and pass through gasses and the theorized WHIM, they undergo something called dispersion.”

“…when radio waves pass through matter, they are briefly slowed down. The longer the wavelength, the more a radio wave “feels” the matter. Think of it like wind resistance. A bigger car feels more wind resistance than a smaller car.

The “wind resistance” effect on radio waves is incredibly small, but space is big. By the time an FRB has traveled millions or billions of light-years to reach Earth, dispersion has slowed the longer wavelengths so much that they arrive nearly a second later than the shorter wavelengths.”

Now, light waves, using the same aether medium, also slowdown in contact with baryonic (ordinary) matter. That slowdown is responsible for simple refraction—a process we measure as the “index of refraction.” Remember, the velocity of light is 300 million meters per second in air and 225 million meters per second in water. That is why light slows and becomes curved as it enters and exists a planetary atmosphere. We call that the “Shapiro Effect.”[4] So this is yet another observation proving there is no perfectly empty space, no particles of light requiring it, no universal expansion, or Big Bang.

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 337 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook]. Ch.15.1.

[2] Penzias, A. A., and Wilson, R. W., 1965, A Measurement of Excess Antenna Temperature at 4080 Mc/s: The Astrophysical Journal, v. 142, p. 419. [https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1965ApJ...142..419P].

Penzias, A. A., and Wilson, R. W., 1965, Measurement of the Flux Density of CAS a at 4080 Mc/s: The Astrophysical Journal, v. 142, p. 1149. [https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1965ApJ...142.1149P].

[3] Actually, a more recent discovery has fairly good evidence that a fast radio burst came from a “magnetar,” which is a highly magnetic, dense star in our own galaxy: 
[4] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 337 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook]. Ch. 17.5.

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