Borchardt Interview on Infinity

PSI Blog 20201104 Borchardt Interview on Infinity


Looks like the Chappell Natural Philosophy Society wants to interview me on Saturday:





CNPS (https://naturalphilosophy.org/) is the organization that replaced the Natural Philosophy Alliance, which was started by Dr. John Chappell in 1994. Like the NPA, the society prides itself in airing all manner of dissident views on current theories. Like most folks, including most scientists, members of the group generally assume finity (The universe is finite in the microscopic and macroscopic directions). So, I am honored to be able to present the opposing assumption, which, as most of you know, is the foundation of Infinite Universe Theory, the obvious replacement for the Big Bang Theory.


Viewers can ask questions. The video will be recorded, so you can watch it anytime on YouTube, if you can’t make it up at 7:00 am Pacific Time.

1 comment:

  1. Nice interview Glenn.

    There’s always one thing that bothers me, and I can’t seem to shake it. You say everything is caused by motion essentially, but what causes motion?

    With the Big Bang, an event causes the motion of the universe. Not that I support that, but it is a cause and effect. It too suffers the same nagging question though, what caused the universe to suddenly pop into existence?

    There is an answer, whether it’s infinity or the Big Bang, and that answer will always be relegated to an assumption. It can’t be proven.

    The universe cannot be the cause and effect of itself, anymore than motion can be the cause and effect of itself.

    I’ve been thinking about this for decades now. And I keep coming back to the same answer.

    Motion occurs 3-dimensionally.

    Physics studies motion 2-dimensionally. To understand our position within the universe we add position in the z axis.

    My thought, and I can’t seem to shake it, is that all matter is continually moving along a z axis at c. Our motion along the z axis determines the scale of the x,y axis, All matter is accelerating towards 0. All matter began at 1. 1 is where motion begins, an 0 is where motion ends. We, or all matter, exists between 1 and 0. We simply fall, or collapse, or contract if you will, inward. We are the infinity that lies between 1 and 0. Neither 1 nor 0 exists within the universe.

    In my view, and I can’t shake this thought, what causes the universe to exist as we comprehend it is, two finite possibilities that can never be realized. The universe cannot be nothing, or 0, and 1, everything, simultaneously. 0 cannot equal 1, and 1 cannot equal 0. The resulting outcome is an infinite universe.

    The entire universe is in motion, continually expanding while matter continually contracts against the expansion. The universe is moving 3-dimensionally in one direction, and matter moves 3-dimensionally in the opposite direction. The universe moves outwards, and matter moves inwards. Matter doesn’t come from 0, it comes from 1. Creation is a continual process, occurring continuously far beyond our field of view. It’s hot out on the edge of the universe , and we contract into the cold center.

    I can’t shake the mechanics of it Glenn. I think this is what is happening. We’re on a journey to 0, but the universe doesn’t end.


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