Cosmogonists Admit Space is Not Empty

PSI Blog 20201102 Cosmogonists Admit Space is Not Empty


In this infrared image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, winds flowing out from a fast-moving star (Zeta Ophiuchi) are making ripples in the dust in interstellar space. Image via NASA. Credit EarthSky.


As readers know, Einstein’s Untired Light Theory requires perfectly empty space. Without that assumption, the regressive deduction that the universe is expanding becomes untenable. The cosmological redshift occurs because, like every thing and every motion, light must lose energy over distance. This article is a poke in the eye of the Big Bang Theory, reiterating and admitting that the perfect interstellar vacuum does not exist:




Interstellar space – the space between the stars – isn’t just empty space. There’s a lot of “stuff” out there, including hydrogen (70%) and helium (28%), formed in the Big Bang that set our universe into motion. The other 2% of “stuff” in interstellar space is heavier gases and dust, consisting of the other elements made inside stars and spewed into space by supernovae. The material in interstellar space is very spread out. It’s denser in some places than in others, but a typical density is about one atom per cubic centimeter.


Note the gratuitous bow to Big Bang Theory in which the helium found in interstellar space is supposed to have formed during that miraculous event. This flies in the face of the fact helium forms from the fusion of hydrogen in our own Sun. Fusion, of course, is the coming together of microcosms. That only occurs under special conditions (e.g., high pressure). Big Bang Theory hypothesizes a coming apart, not a coming together. The universe doesn’t need any “Big Bang” to form helium.


Regressives admit that:


stars themselves make increasingly more complex elements in their interiors. When the most massive stars grow old and die, they explode as supernovae, releasing their elements into interstellar space. Thus it has become possible for stars to form with planets and for at least one planet we know of, Earth, to harbor living things.


Except for hydrogen, all the stuff in interstellar space is recycled from previous manifestations of special high-pressure portions of a universe that is infinite and eternal. The Sun only has pressures high enough to produce iron. The heavier elements, like gold and uranium, need much more than that to push their constituents together. As these folks imply, without realizing it, if the universe was not infinite, we would not be here.

1 comment:

  1. They DO NOT Admit that.
    They are referring to the "Space" in which hydrogen etc are present. They claim it (space) itself expands.
    Ridiculous as we all know.
    They must be Biden supporters. Antifa etc.
    Emotional morons. No rationality at all.
    Good luck with this election.


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