Another regressive absurdity: “Fragments of energy”

PSI Blog 20210118 Another regressive absurdity: “Fragments of energy”


Readers know that, by definition, regressive physicists and cosmogonists do not know what energy is. In particular, they have trouble with their definitions. In progressive physics, we define matter as an XYZ portion of the universe containing other matter within and without. Energy is like other matter-motion terms. Energy neither exists, nor occurs. What exists is matter and what occurs is the motion of matter. Today’s absurdity is an excellent example of the misuse of our ever-useful matter-motion terms. Their use requires at least a smidgeon of scientific philosophy, although primitive philosophy is sufficient. All languages have nouns (describing portions of the universe) and verbs (describing what those portions do).


The cosmogonical mess below arrives to us via the most important generally unacknowledged assumption underlying cosmogony: that the universe had an origin. The “fundamental building block” idea, of course, also is based on the regressive assumption of finity (The universe is finite in the microscopic and macroscopic directions).


At least the “fragments of energy” idea is consupponible with the “Dark Energy” ad hoc used to save the Big Bang Theory. Cosmogonists, like better grounded scientists, had the sneaking suspicion that the explosion out of nothing or even out of the earlier “singularity” ad hoc would not cut it. There had to be some driving force (other than an imaginary god) to initiate that grandiosity. Because energy, whether considered light or dark, really does not exist, its “fragmentation” was bound to be the imagined solution to the microcosmic end of the finity assumption as well.


A prominent energy calculation is via Maxwell’s E=mc2. Obviously, if m=0, then E must also equal 0. There can be no energy without mass, just as there can be no particle without mass. But the Dark Energy of the cosmogonists hypothesizes no particle that could be the carrier of the force (F=ma) that could propel the universe into existence. Similarly, the magical objectification of energy conceived as being neither a particle nor a wave is simply mathematical nonsense at best. Energy calculations are absolutely essential in physics, but we must never forget that the calculation must always be of matter in motion and motion of matter. The article below shows how far off base regressive physics and cosmogony can get. With incorrect assumptions, the math is GIGO (Garbage In; Garbage Out). Read it and weep!


Fragments of energy – not waves or particles – may be the fundamental building blocks of the universe





1 comment:

  1. Wow! Silverberg replaces ancient Greek, Newtonian, Young (et al.), and Einsteinian theories about how the Universe works without ever having to define what his "energy fragments" are (and gets paid for the effort)! ... Amazing!


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