Dark Matter Clumps

 PSI Blog 20210125 Dark Matter Clumps


NASA spots smallest dark matter clumps




This is an interesting observation but, as usual, I am not sure these folks have the interpretation correct. According to Aether Deceleration Theory (ADT) all baryonic matter is surrounded by aether particles that become decelerated after colliding with that matter (producing gravitation). What you see in the above illustration is not the normal dark matter halo, but four relatively distinct areas that produce the refraction instead. I am not sure what produces the four areas. It surely has nothing to do with the “curving of space-time,” which is the misinterpretation Eddington used to “prove Einstein right” back in 1919. That actually was produced by the normal refraction that occurred when light entered the Sun’s atmosphere. This type of light bending occurs when you stick a pole into a body of water. It definitely is no proof that “perfectly empty space” becomes curved near massive bodies. There is no such empty space anywhere in the Infinite Universe, especially around cosmic bodies.


I imagine this particular clumping is determined partly by the shape of the foreground galaxy. Note that the four “starbursts,” each with four major diffraction spikes, are artifacts of vision. In this case, they are produced by the telescope. They also can be produced by eyelashes and eyelids. Obviously, they are proof that refraction is occurring. This reminds me of:


“Einstein Rings”


Here is Wikipedia parroting one of the typical einsteinisms[1]:


“Gravitational lensing is predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. Instead of light from a source traveling in a straight line (in three dimensions), it is bent by the presence of a massive body, which distorts spacetime. An Einstein Ring is a special case of gravitational lensing, caused by the exact alignment of the source, lens, and observer. This results in symmetry around the lens, causing a ring-like structure.”


Again, this is a result of simple refraction—it has nothing to do with Einstein’s so-called “space-time.” All massive bodies are surrounded by a refracting atmosphere (or, at least, an aetherosphere[2]). Note that the successful use of space-time in relativity explanations generally serves as a proxy for aetherial effects. In a similar pattern, “photons” generally serve as a proxy for aether particles. Light is a wave in the aether medium, with the particles in that medium producing the collisions attributed to the photon. The hypothetical photon, of course, had to be massless in order to fit Einstein’s relativity theory. It that were true, its collisions with baryonic matter could produce no force (F=ma = 0 if m=0). The photoelectric effect would not occur and Einstein would not have gotten his only Nobel.

[1] “A statement or prediction that is true, but for the wrong reason.” (Borchardt, Glenn, 2020, Religious Roots of Relativity: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, p. 137 [https://go.glennborchardt.com/RRR-ebk].

[2] Ibid, pp. 38, 137.

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