Decelerated aether as the cause of gravitation

PSI Blog 20210607 Decelerated aether as the cause of gravitation


Bill Howell just won this week’s book prize for this question:


“Thanks for responding to my question about GPS time adjustments being indicative of an aether gradient (blog 20210322).  I like your aether-based concept of gravity being a manifestation of the motion of matter, but I’m having difficulty visualizing a conceptual model based solely on aether pressure.  In response to George Coyne’s question (blog 20210329), you wrote that aether deceleration and the resulting distal [proximal (GB)] pressure decrease is the cause of gravitation (analogous to how a vacuum cleaner works).  In your 2018 paper: The Physical Cause of Gravitation you write that gravitation is caused by accelerations of baryonic matter by locally active aether particles exhibiting high velocity short-range motion.  My mind sees nuance and it confuses me.


My first confusion is that IF the aether pressure within our solar system is relatively homogeneous, isotropic, and ubiquitous, then it seems like the decelerated aether particles surrounding the Moon would result in its gravity being somewhat similar to Earth’s.  Since it’s not, it would seem that the quantity of baryonic matter mass available to interact with the aether particles (as your 2018 paper suggests) is also a component of the gravitational field that results.  If gravity is the result of a combination of both aether pressure and complexed aether-baryonic matter interactions, then it gives me a new perspective on Newton’s 2nd Law that F=MA.  But is that what you mean?”


[GB: Thanks again Bill. You got that right. Without those F=ma decelerations there would be no gravitation. Things would just float around in perfectly empty space. In particular, life on Earth would have been impossible, because our progenitors would not have even stuck to Earth. You also are correct in surmising that the amount of decelerated aether surrounding a body is a direct function of the mass of that body (and the distance from it), just as Newton’s equation implied.


This necessary connection was the star of my chapter in “Infinite Universe Theory” on the formation of baryonic matter from previously existing aetherial matter in the Infinite Universe:

Figure 47 Microcosms in motion. Note that large microcosm A in the center shelters microcosm B from impacts from the left. Consequently, B will be pushed toward A, with the likelihood it might even end up rotating around A.


Figure 47 essentially shows the early stage of the formation of aether complexes via the collisions of small aether particles with large ones. The resulting vortices are seen throughout the universe, from the smallest atom to the largest spiral galaxy. As far as I know, this speculation is the first tying matter formation, aether deceleration, and gravitation. I also speculate that the resulting entrained aether is the dark matter regressives are searching for but will never find until they give up aether denial.]


Bill: “My next confusion involves the Lagrange Points.  If the Earth’s aether halo extends beyond the Moon then I can understand the L1 and L2 points.  Similarly, I can understand how an extension of an aether halo around the Sun could explain the L3 point.  But I don’t understand the stable Lagrange Points at L4 and L5 given that they don’t lie near baryonic matter that can decelerate the aether pressure wind or interact with baryonic matter.  Can you help clear up my confusion?”


[GB: The size of aether halos due to entrained aether is essentially infinite, as suggested by Newton’s inverse R2 law for the effect of gravity on baryonic matter. As with all entrainment, think of the decelerated aether as being part of the body that was involved in the initial collisions. Our baryonic atmosphere is a good analogy. It is as if the rotating body was the center of a record, CD, or other platter. As an aside, remember that the outside edge of that CD travels great distances at much higher velocity than the center. That is why Vera Rubin was able to detect dark matter in rotating galaxies.[1] Neither Newton’s nor Einstein’s gravity theories could explain what was happening. Perfectly empty space just would not cut it. Also note that Rubin’s method requires rotation. It doesn’t work for elliptical galaxies—a fact sometimes misinterpreted by reformists as evidence falsifying the dark matter explanation of her data.


Now that you brought it up, let’s look at Lagrange Points L4 and L5:


Lagrange Points. Credit: NASA.


Note that L4 and L5 are always at the same distance from both the Sun and Earth as Earth revolves around the Sun. This usually is explained as a result of opposing centrifugal and centripetal “forces.” But even many regressives realize no such forces exist or occur. Those are simply the precise points at which the two aetherial halos overlap, with aetherial pressure (e.g., “gravitational potential”) being equal on both sides.]



[1] Rubin, Vera C., 2000, One Hundred Years of Rotating Galaxies: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 112, p. 747-750. [10.1086/316573].


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