Velocity of light versus wavelength

PSI Blog 20210614 Velocity of light versus wavelength


Abhishek Chakravartty just won this week’s book prize for asking:


“In the blog, you also wrote that while the velocity of wave motion through a medium does not change, the distance between the waves tends to increase over distance. How is this possible? I am asking this question because velocity is equal to distance divided by time. So, if distance increases, velocity must also increase?”


[GB: The statement “the velocity of wave motion through a medium does not change” is a generalization assuming an ideal medium having properties that do not change. However, the velocity of a wave changes when the medium changes. For instance, light in air travels at 300 million m/s, while it travels at 225 million m/s in water (75% as fast). Red light in air has a 650 nm wavelength but only 488 nm in water (75% as long). In “Universal Cycle Theory” and “Infinite Universe Theory” we used this relationship to explain the Pound/Rebka experiment without using the Einsteinian trope calling for nonsensical “time dilation” as salvation for Einstein’s assumed constancy of light velocity. We speculated that the redshift they observed for EM traveling away from Earth actually was due to slight increases in aetherial pressure that caused a speedup in light velocity. This speedup resulted in increases in wavelength similar to the increase that occurs when light travels from water into air.


Now, redshifts like the misnamed “gravitational redshift” mentioned above can occur in an ideal medium for other reasons as well. The well-known Doppler shift produces a redshift when the source is moving away. Cyclic beats of constant frequency contact the medium at different distances within the medium. These wave-producing contacts then become increasingly farther apart when the source speeds up.


My own speculation concerning the cause of the cosmological redshift is based on the impossibility of any two waves being exactly alike. Think about what must happen for a wave to reproduce itself. All media are made up of trillions of particles, with each of them colliding with other particles in response to a disturbance. Per the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things) no two of those particles can be identical. Neither the precise direction nor the precise character of each particle and its collisions could be reproduced exactly within a second wave. Per the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the entropy of each wave would be less than the previous. Some of the motion of the particles would be lost to the environment which, in the case of light, must consist of progenitor aether-2 particles magnitudes smaller than the aether-1 particles directly responsible for light transmission.[1]


Abhi, the upshot is that the velocity of wave motion still is determined by the nature of the medium through which it travels. Again, wave velocity only increases when the medium changes, as in the change from water to air or low pressure proximal aether to high pressure distal aether. An increase in wavelength is then correlated with the increase in velocity. However, as mentioned, there are other means by which wavelength can increase, such as those due to the entropic energy (i.e., motion) losses that inevitably must occur over distance. When the medium does not change there is no way for the velocity of its wave motion to increase without some magical energy inputs which, of course, would be impossible.]

[1] Puetz, S.J., and Borchardt, Glenn, 2011, Universal Cycle Theory: Neomechanics of the Hierarchically Infinite Universe: Denver, Outskirts Press, 626 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/UCT].


  1. One of the tenets of physics is that there is conservation of energy.
    As an EM photon travels through the "raw" medium, but over great distances, there is a cost to the medium to keep this going.
    I think of it as if the photon loses energy gradually, because although lacking "rest" mass, its momentum is not an entirely free process.

  2. Sorry Bligh, but photons are imaginary. They supposedly have no mass because, if they had any at all, according to Einstein, that mass would be infinite. Thus, imaginary photons cannot have momentum, which is P=mv. If m=0, then P=0, of course. What you propose has not been observed: light velocity does not decrease over distance, which proves wave velocity is dependent on the medium. Please recheck my list of the 8 ad hocs Einstein used to claim light was not a classical particle, but a massless "particle" containing nothing and traveling perpetually through nothing.

  3. glenn borchart glad to see you alive , i think more people would have acess to your ideas if you post them on YouTube.

  4. Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the advice.


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