Fawning media coverage of Webb telescope draws laughs from Doogie

 PSI Blog 20220103 Fawning media coverage of Webb telescope draws laughs from Doogie


Guest Blog from:


Rick Dutkiewicz


Michigan Regional Office

Progressive Science Institute




Oh, my freaking gawd! The news coverage on Webb is either laughable or sickening, depending on one's tolerance level. I hover between laughing at the woo woo talk and yelling at the stupidity of it all.


The talking heads on TV and their “ex-spurts” went with the cutest way of spewing popular misconceptions from their mouths. I think it made me throw up a little in my own mouth.


“NASA is searching for our baby pictures.” “The new Webb telescope will see our beginnings”.


Within the next few months, I fully expect to see something about "looking back at the hand of the Creator”. Why not put that one out there? It’s all part of the fairy tale, isn’t it?


Gotta love that newest and most powerful instrument. But even the official Webb Telescope page says, “Webb will gaze into the epoch when the very first stars and galaxies formed, over 13.5 billion years ago.”  Sounds pretty confident.


And, like you are saying, when they find nothing but fully-formed stars and galaxies in that epoch, there will be a scramble for the mathematicians to patch up the BBT with some new Post Hoc additions to the fairy tale. I can’t help thinking of all the money being wasted simply because people can’t conceive of or tolerate the concept of Infinity. Oh well, life is a tragic comedy.


Happy Holidays,

Rick Dutkiewicz

Allegan, Mi”


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