Gravity is Not Distortion of Space


PSI Blog 20220117 Gravity is Not Distortion of Space


George Coyne


Vancouver, B.C., Office of PSI


This blog is my response to an article written by Brian Finlayson and Ray Sumner published on January 6, 2022, at Phys.Org titled A century ago, Australia was ground zero for eclipse-watchers, and helped prove Einstein right. 




Einstein based his idea that gravitation is a distortion of space on the similarity between gravitation and all other types of acceleration, which led him to conclude that gravity bends light. [i] Einstein states: “With respect to the Galilean reference body K, such a ray of light is transmitted rectilinearly with the velocity c. It can easily be shown that the path of the same ray of light is no longer a straight line. From this, we conclude that in general, rays of light are propagated curvilinear in gravitational fields.”[ii] The fact that astronomers observe light bending when passing close to the Sun does not mean that gravity, defined as a distortion of space, is the cause. [iii]This phenomenon near stars, which supposedly confirms GRT, has another explanation. Borchardt clarifies what is occurring: the light only bends when it is in the Sun’s corona, which contains baryonic matter, just as the Earth’s atmosphere does. Therefore, the light wave’s behavior results from refraction,[iv] which is an altered direction to wave propagation direction resulting from a change in the transmitting medium. This is supported by the fact that solar atmosphere density increases rapidly from exceptionally low values in interplanetary space to extremely high values nearer the Sun’s surface. Howard Hayden stated that “with a few lines of high school algebra” one can derive refracted starlight," This accuracy level is exact; whereas the tensor calculus and Riemannian geometry of general relativity produce only gives only an approximation." [v]


I have been asked “How do you explain light not being able to escape a black hole? Even with an infinite number of refractions, the possibility has to exist for light to make it through, therefore gravity does bend light.”


There are two good theoretical ways of accounting for this. There is Glenn Borchardt’s Neomechanics in which a black hole represents a vortex that is too powerful for most light to escape, and Duncan Shaw’s aether theory of gravity described in his peer-reviewed paper On Maxwell’s 1865 Theory of Aether: A Step Toward Unity, Phys. Essays, 33, 256 (2020).[vi]


In Notfinity Process: Matter-In-Motion 2nd Edition (2021) I have a section on how gravity is not distortion of space.



[i] Albert Einstein, Relativity The Special and the General Theory, 69, 70.

[ii] Ibid.

[iii] Coyne, George, Notfinity Process: Matter-In-Motion 2nd edition(2021)

[iv] Borchardt, Glenn, Infinite Universe Theory.

[v] Bethell, Tom, Rethinking Relativity.


  1. i have ran some simulation and it seem that it is impossible to have a vibrating medium and have wave at the same time , because the wave scatter so easily . i stumbles upon your idea of aether 1 and aether 2 , i was thinking of making aether one do the vibration and cause gravity and aether 2 would be condensate of aether 1 and its vibration would be small compared to the speed of the wave that will be traveling through it . speed of vibration compared to wave through aether 2 would be like a turtle vs a car , thus reducing spreading of wave . increase vibrations can increase wave spread but it causes the wave to spread very quickly.
    i know that they say the particles of air vibrates faster than sound but i have tried to simulate something like this but every time the vibration spread the wave . i thing the aether 1 and aether two idea is not just a interesting idea but a absolute necessity for wave propagation . if you find any simulation that has both vibration and long lasting waves , pls show me , so i can make improvements .

  2. this problem of spreading is only for longitudinal waves , transvers wave can be simulated extremely easy with vibrations that are many many times that of the wave speed .


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