Infinity, Evolution, and Complexification: Origin of Matter

 PSI Blog 20220418 Infinity, Evolution, and Complexification: Origin of Matter


Joe Lennon wins another book for this question:


Glenn, I can foresee religious people referring to complexification as the workings of the hand of god.  How do you operationalize that term?”


[GB: Joe, we need to tackle that from the standpoint of the universal mechanism of evolution, univironmental determinism (UD). UD assumes what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter within and without. Complexification has been an ever-lasting problem for both evolutionists and their creationist opponents. Both are plagued by the Eighth Assumption of Religion, finity (The universe is finite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions) and its consupponible cohort, the Ninth Assumption of Religion, absolutism (Identities exist, that is, any two things may have identical characteristics).[1]


Fundamental Complexification


Quite simply, complex formation always involves the convergence (coming together) of portions of the universe. Those portions, which I called “microcosms” in “The Scientific Worldview,”[2] are always subject to impacts from the environment, which I called the “macrocosm.” The combination I called the “univironment” is the playground in which complexes form via convergence (F=ma) of “supermicrocosms” from the macrocosm, form microcosms containing “submicrocosms” that survive for a while, eventually dissipating via divergence (P=mv). Note that this formation of aether complexes and baryonic matter appears to have little to do with “Neo-Darwinism,” the evolutionists’ special case challenged by creationists.


Complexification may be considered to have two meanings: 1) the formation of simple complexes and 2) the infinite complexity displayed in the form of advanced complexes—like humans, for instance.]


I already touched on this in Chapter 16.4 of “Infinite Universe Theory,”[3] which was entitled “Where does Matter Come From?” BTW: I am unaware of any other proposal concerning the possible formation of ordinary matter from aether. I reprint that chapter here as a refresher:


“16.4 Where does matter come from?


From somewhere else. That was my scientific answer to our four-year old daughter when she asked: Where did all this stuff come from? She was referring to the view of Marin County she could see from the backseat of our car. My answer was prescient because I was barely half way on my journey toward “The Scientific Worldview.” It turns out only an Infinite Universe could exist. In the Infinite Universe, each thing is a combination of other things that converged temporarily from elsewhere. The “stuff” she was thinking of and the “matter” we are discussing were the same. Both words are abstractions for xyz portions of the universe. There is no “stuff” per se and no “matter” per se. There are only unique examples of each, with each example containing still other examples of matter ad infinitum.


Through relativism we assume no two microcosms, in this case aether particles, are identical. Identical particles would have no reason to form complexes. That is another reason Fundamental Particle Theory will never be successful. These particles imagined by idealists must be perfectly spherical and perfectly solid. If they were not perfectly spherical, they would betray the presence of some internal structure made up by submicrocosms. That would mean they were not fundamental. In that case, the submicrocosms would be “fundamental.” While fundamental particle theorists must be forever bedeviled by that problem, we see the dissimilarities between aether particles as a requirement for the production of baryonic matter from aether particles. Indeed, this is in line with a major principle of Infinite Universe Theory: A perfect world cannot exist. Those infinitely unique imperfections in each microcosm not only allow it to exist for a time, but those imperfections are necessary for its coming into existence from other matter in the first place.


Although the rest of this explanation necessarily jumps into the middle of the infinite hierarchy, the process applies to aether particles and galaxy clusters alike. In intergalactic space, each aether particle has a unique momentum (i.e., P=mv, where m=mass and v=velocity), with the potential to transfer some or all of its motion to other aether particles (Figure 15). This process continues indefinitely just as it does among the nitrogen molecules that continually collide with each other in the atmosphere. Like those nitrogen molecules, aether particles are so similar that most of their interactions produce nothing new. The accelerating and decelerating goes on incessantly, allowing nitrogen molecules with particle velocities up to 515 m/s to “instantaneously” conduct sound waves at 343 m/s and for aether particles with velocities up to 450,000,000 m/s to conduct light waves at velocities up to 300,000,000 m/s.


Figure 15 From a video showing acceleration and deceleration demonstrated by pendulums at http://go.glennborchardt.com/pendulums. Credit: httprover.

However, per relativism no two microcosms can be identical or perfectly spherical. This is illustrated in Figure 47, which shows the irregular shapes and sizes common to microcosms. Remember, in neomechanics all microcosms are assumed to exist in irregular shapes because they contain submicrocosms. Only the “fundamental particles” of the idealists are perfect spheres filled with solid matter—and they do not and cannot exist. Again, this is a critical point for Infinite Universe Theory. Without the variations and imperfections common to all microcosms, the Infinite Universe would not be possible. Without the imperfections generalized in Figure 47, we would not be here either. If all microcosms were identical, as implied by the atomists, there would be no reason for any of them to combine to form new microcosms. The watchword for nature is vive la différence.

Figure 47 Microcosms in motion. Note that large microcosm A in the center shelters microcosm B from impacts from the left. Consequently, B will be pushed toward A, with the likelihood it might even end up rotating around A.


As the figure shows, some microcosms are more massive and likely slower than others. Large, less active microcosms will be pushed together by the less massive, faster aether particles. This phenomenon occurs throughout the universe. Supermicrocosms in the macrocosm continually bombard every microcosm. It is why balloons or beach balls are pushed to the end of your swimming pool (Figure 48). It is why the world will push you around unless you push back. It is why wagon trains and musk oxen form a circle for protection. It is why corporations form mergers and workers form unions. The closer microcosms become, the more they shield each other from the impacts of the macrocosm.

Figure 48 Balloons pushed to the side of the pool illustrating the tendency for microcosms to be pushed together by impacts from the macrocosm.


Again, that is the key to the formation of baryonic matter from aether particles. The mutual shielding thus produces a complex, which, by definition is slower and clumsier than free aether particles—in the same way any social group or paradigm behaves in relation to those not so attached. In chemistry, such combinations are common. Na+ and Cl- ions, for instance, are forced to combine as NaCl crystals when the water evaporates and the Na+ and Cl- ions are pushed together, being confined to an increasingly restricted space. Vortices get involved because the largest aether complexes, being slow and heavy, tend to be pushed toward the center of any rotating cloud of such complexes. Still another way of visualizing this is to imagine the classic “round-up” that is necessary to stop a herd of cattle for the night. Cowboys on one side of the herd speed the animals on that side until the herd moves in a circle. An animal caught in the middle of the herd has no choice. It also must move in a circle. The pressures on both sides are equal, being part of a larger motion. All this simply results in the slowing down of aether particles to form aether complexes, becoming ever larger and forming what we know as baryonic matter. Some of the first baryonic microcosms probably were vortices such as electrons and positrons.


Now note the similarity between this formation of baryonic matter from aether and the cause of gravitation. In both cases, small microcosms collide with large ones, transferring some of their motion per Newton's Second Law of Motion (F=ma). In so doing, the colliding aether particles lose velocity, tending to remain near the large ones. These decelerated aether particles pile up, producing a zone of increased aether density and low aether activity near the aether complexes. In this regard, one could say, “matter begets matter.” Gravitation is essentially the same process, with this reduction in aether activity appearing as a halo or zone of low aether pressure surrounding all baryonic matter. Thus, baryonic matter formation and gravitation are essentially the same process. Gravitation and aether complexification both result in the taming of high-velocity aether particles from the free field. In addition, any vortex rotation tends to convert much linear momentum into angular momentum. This further concentrates microcosms as submicrocosms within larger entities. The linear velocities of these microcosms decrease, while the submicrocosms within may continue to rotate at high velocities as in the “round-up” example.


The above principles are amenable to all microcosms, with the formation of baryonic matter from aether being a special case. Remember that because aether transmits mostly T-waves (side-to-side motions), I speculated aether particles were vortices (Figure 41). This also follows from our observation that matter in the cosmological realm tends to form vortices at all scales.[4] The vortex shape would make it especially easy for aether particles to form combinations (Figure 49). Variations in size would not be particularly important. I am unsure whether such stacking of aether vortices continues beyond the duplex stage. Nevertheless, remember my speculations from Planck’s constant concluded a single electron might be a complex containing about 1020 aether particles (Table 11). This may seem like a lot, but an average snowflake is a complex containing about 1019 H2O molecules.[5] No wonder no two electrons and no two snowflakes are identical. Such is the Infinite Universe.

Figure 41 The Sombrero Galaxy (M104). Does an aether particle look like this vortex disc? Credit: HST/NASA/ESA.

Table 11 Summary of speculative calculations on the properties of aether particles and the aether medium.


Figure 49 Hypothetical aether particles showing the effects of vortex morphology. The two parallel vortices, each having exposure on one side, will receive fewer impacts than the others will. Credit: Sombrero galaxy images modified from NASA.


As explained in our analysis of celestial microcosms, any increase in the rotation of a vortex produces an accretion of matter, while any decrease produces an excretion of matter.[6] As always, celestial microcosms come into being via convergence and go out of being via divergence. Rotations occur when microcosms collide tangentially, sideswiping each other to produce opposite spins. The rotation eventually stops after the vortex succumbs to friction produced by the macrocosm. This is another indication space is not perfectly empty. Without the supermicrocosms in space, vortices would rotate perpetually, which according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics cannot happen. Like all microcosms, vortices experience birth and death.


You might say: Well and good, you can explain the origin of baryonic matter from your hypothesized aether, but where did that aether come from? As always, per Infinite Universe Theory, the answer is “From somewhere else.” This “passing of the buck” is an essential characteristic of the Infinite Universe as I surmised in my answer to our daughter long ago. As mentioned previously, in “Universal Cycle Theory” we handled this problem by assuming baryonic matter forms from aether-1, that aether-1 forms from aether-2, and that aether-2 forms from aether-3 ad infinitum.[7] Again, this point is crucial for Infinite Universe Theory. Scale means nothing to the Infinite Universe. Without this infinite regression, the idealist’s imagined “perfectly empty space,” nothingness, and nonexistence would be possible. On the contrary, our very existence is obvious and provides support for Infinite Universe Theory.”


[GB: Next week I will treat advanced complexification (neo-Darwinian evolution) from the standpoint of univironmental determinism, the universal mechanism of evolution.]


[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2020, Religious Roots of Relativity: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 160 p. [ https://go.glennborchardt.com/RRR-ebk ]

[2] Borchardt, Glenn, 2007, The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and Einstein: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 411 p. 

[3] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 327 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook]. 

[4] Puetz and Borchardt, 2011, Universal Cycle Theory.

[5] Roach, 2007, "No Two Snowflakes the Same" Likely True.

[6] Puetz and Borchardt, 2011, Universal Cycle Theory.

[7] Ibid.

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly well presented, Glenn! This is the clearest and most thorough explanation of your theory that I have seen so far. The concept of "from somewhere else" in regard to the formation of everything is 100% essential for anything to exist. It also requires the sizes of microcosms to be infinite in both directions.


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