Oldest Galaxy at the "edge of the universe" is now 13.5 Ga

 PSI Blog 20220411 Oldest Galaxy at the "edge of the universe" is now 13.5 Ga


Here is the latest on the coming demise of the Big Bang Theory via the surprising ages of the most distant galaxies:

        Harikane et al.



At 13.5 billion light years distant, this one tops all the others—until the Webb telescope finds some greater than the assumed 13.8 Ga age of the universe. Just think, only 300 million years to form a galaxy (or “black hole”) with a redshift indicating it is 13.5 billion light years away from us. Our own Milky Way supposedly is 13.61Ga. What the? I thought the Big Bang universe was supposed to get younger with distance. Go figure.


1 comment:

  1. The article has the following unintended humorous statement: "Forming a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, a black hole in HD1 must have grown out of a massive seed at an unprecedented rate,” Loeb says. "Once again, nature appears to be more imaginative than we are." Rather than admitting that the presence of this black hole is impossible using the present 13.8 billion year estimate for the Universe's age, the author prefers to explain it by saying that this has occurred because nature's imagination is greater than what we consider to be within the realm of possibility. When the James Webb Space Telescope discovers galaxies 15 or 20 billion years old, the Big Bang proponents can claim that this does not mean the Universe is more than 13.8 billion years because nature does not have to conform to our logic.


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