Shocking News—Webb Confirms Infinite Universe Theory

PSI Blog 20220718 Shocking News—Webb Confirms Infinite Universe Theory


Actually, not really so shocking. At least since 2009 we have been remarking on the "elderly galaxies" contradicting the Big Bang Theory. We were supposed to see younger and younger cosmic bodies as our telescopes were able to see increasing distances. That hasn’t happened because the universe is infinite. Infinite Universe Theory predicted we would see cosmic bodies similar to the ones we see nearby. Indeed, that is exactly what we saw in Hubble photos, and now in the Webb photos released to much acclaim and subterfuge on 20220712.


Also, as we predicted, the party line will prevail just as it did when the first elderlies showed up. Of course, eventually this last gasp of creationism will succumb to common sense. In the meantime, we can enjoy the humorous discombobulations the cosmogonists go through in trying to salvage the unsalvageable. As astute readers know, giving up creationism will not be easy. Most of us have been taught about it at an early age. While most of the best scientists lose those wild imaginings as they grow up, many do not. Almost all seem to subconsciously assume the universe had an origin as a matter of fact. Who can blame them? Every portion of the universe has a beginning and an end.

In case you haven’t seen the most distant Webb photo yet (right), here it is in comparison to one from the old Hubble telescope (left) Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI:


So much for those who thought the latest instrument would show young galaxies, only stars, or perfectly empty space at the edge of the universe. Also note the colors range from blue to red. Be reminded that in Infinite Universe Theory half the galaxies would have blueshifts and half would have redshifts. There are, of course, other factors, with reddening also associated with age. Note that the Webb image encompasses an area about the size of a grain of sand at arm's length. Furthermore, it has 10 times as many galaxies as the Hubble image. Previous estimates were that 2 trillion galaxies could be observed. Now the estimate would be over 20 trillion galaxies and counting...

BTW: This Blog now also can be seen at https://medium.com/@glennborchardt. Be sure to "follow" me and give a few claps at the bottom left of the essay. You will be helping to put an end to cosmogony and the "Last Creationist Theory."






  1. Glenn, this video on YouTube titled "How Far Back is the James Webb able to See? with Dr. Klaus Pontoppidanshows" shows spectacular images of fully formed galaxies where the light left 13.1 billion years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h07U0fWZaXM
    I agree with you that when the JWST looks back 13.79 billion years ago to when the Universe supposedly began with the nonsensical Big Bang, we will still get images of fully formed galaxies as you and I have predicted.

  2. Glenn, a new article titled "JWST has found and Captured the oldest galaxy we have ever seen in the universe" makes truly amazing statements. The writer states: "The telescope (JWST) has broken the record for discovering the oldest galaxy so far about almost 100 million years after the big bang." The article later states: "These two galaxies have equivalent mass of about a billion suns in this time. That is very unique feature only thought to have in galaxies up to 500 million years old, concludes the team, this might be a hint that the stars usually formed more rapidly than we believed in the early universe."
    Rather than come to the obvious conclusion that this indicates that the Universe must be far older than the 13.787±0.020 billion years claimed by Big Bang theorists, astronomers prefer to alter the science of how rapidly stars form.

  3. Glenn, a new article titled "JWST has found and Captured the oldest galaxy we have ever seen in the universe" makes truly amazing statements. The writer states: "The telescope (JWST) has broken the record for discovering the oldest galaxy so far about almost 100 million years after the big bang." The article later states: "These two galaxies have equivalent mass of about a billion suns in this time. That is very unique feature only thought to have in galaxies up to 500 million years old, concludes the team, this might be a hint that the stars usually formed more rapidly than we believed in the early universe."
    Rather than come to the obvious conclusion that this indicates that the Universe must be far older than the 13.787±0.020 billion years claimed by Big Bang theorists, astronomers prefer to alter the science of how rapidly stars form.

  4. Glenn, a new article titled "JWST has found and Captured the oldest galaxy we have ever seen in the universe" makes truly amazing statements. The writer states: "The telescope (JWST) has broken the record for discovering the oldest galaxy so far about almost 100 million years after the big bang." The article later states: "These two galaxies have equivalent mass of about a billion suns in this time. That is very unique feature only thought to have in galaxies up to 500 million years old, concludes the team, this might be a hint that the stars usually formed more rapidly than we believed in the early universe."
    Rather than come to the obvious conclusion that this indicates that the Universe must be far older than the 13.787±0.020 billion years claimed by Big Bang theorists, astronomers prefer to alter the science of how rapidly stars form.

  5. George:

    Agree, but remember that distance/age calculations near the "event horizon" are hocus pocus in any case. The "inflation theory" for the early universe was an ad hoc that produces an asymptote to avoid the greater than speed of light implications for high redshift values. When z is used as a matter of distance instead of recession, the straight-line function produces much greater than 13.8 Ga ages.

  6. Glenn, this article was published July 27, 2022, at Space.com with the title:'James Webb Space Telescope beats its own record with potential most distant galaxies from Space". It states: "These galaxies span only 1,000 or so light-years across and contain just tens of millions of stars; modern galaxies can host hundreds of billions of stars. Astronomers estimate that the cosmic babies are less than 100 million years old, and possibly as young as 20 million years."


  7. Glenn, this article was published July 27, 2022, at Space.com with the title:'James Webb Space Telescope beats its own record with potential most distant galaxies from Space". It states: "These galaxies span only 1,000 or so light-years across and contain just tens of millions of stars; modern galaxies can host hundreds of billions of stars. Astronomers estimate that the cosmic babies are less than 100 million years old, and possibly as young as 20 million years."


  8. Thanks George. Only 20 million years! Maybe their calcs will get down to 1 million, or a day, or better yet 6 days, with one day for rest!

  9. Glenn, Your response is great as it refers to the fact that the Big Bang theory was invented by the catholic priest/astronomer Georges Lefebvre as a way to give a scientific cloak to the creation theory in the Bible. The existence of these galaxies so close to the Big Bang contradicts the Big Bang proponents who had previously claimed that the first galaxies took one billion years to form. https://stardate.org/astro-guide/galaxy-formation


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