PSI Blog 20220711 Why a Theory Never Becomes a Fact
Pierre Berrigan writes:
“I came across this the other day:
"A highly corroborated or supported hypothesis is ... a fact"
I would very much like to read what people think. How much "evidence"
does a theory need in order to be promoted to "fact"?
[GB: Thanks Pierre for giving me a chance to clear up this
extremely important question. The article you mentioned has a lot of the usual regressive
obfuscation. Congrats on getting to the guts of what is being claimed: "A
highly corroborated or supported hypothesis is ... a fact." This is
clearly false. Here is why:
Facts are observations; theories are our fallible interpretations
about the significance of those observations. Examples:
Gravitation is a fact obvious
to most everyone who has ever dropped a pencil or cell phone onto the floor. Theories
about why that occurred are plentiful. There is “attraction” and there is “space-time.”
Both theories are false because they incorrectly interpret what is happening.
Another fact is that gravitating objects exhibit acceleration. Going back to
fundamentals, we must remember that all physical causes involve collisions per Newton's
Second Law of Motion. The collidee in those collisions becomes accelerated,
while the collider becomes decelerated. Any theory of gravitation that omits or
denies the necessity for the existence of the collider is without merit despite
its predictive capabilities. I resolved that problem in my recent paper on “The
Physical Cause of Gravitation,”[1] which was rejected by three
prominent journals edited by those who already know the cause of gravitation.
Cosmological redshift is a fact
obvious to most astronomers. Again, theories about why that occurs are
plentiful. The current theory accepted by cosmogonists uses that fact to
incorrectly hypothesize that particular redshift is a result of galactic
recession. What is generally not acknowledged is the underlying assumptions having
to do with Einstein’s Untired Light Theory, which assumes massless particles
containing perfectly empty space travel perpetually through perfectly empty
space. There is no evidence for the religious assumption that perfectly empty
space exists.[2]
In line with this, we must reject the notion that anything, whether particle or
wave, could travel from one point to another without losing energy. It is the
height of idealism to believe waves could replicate perfectly without losses.
According to the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things
have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as
characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things)[3], that would be as
impossible as finding two identical snowflakes. The
arrangement of the particles from one wave to the next within the medium could
never be identical regardless of how small those differences might be. Thus, over extreme distances we must consider the cosmological
redshift to dominate all other types of redshift.
In conclusion, facts are observations of the
real world; while theories are what we think about those facts. Theories never
can be facts no matter how many facts we choose in support. As Popper claimed,
theories cannot be completely proven, although false theories can be disproven.[4] I don’t remember him mentioning
it, but the reason for this is because the universe is infinite.[5] Furthermore, theories are dependent
on fundamental assumptions that always have opposites and never can be
completely proven.[6]
No one can go to the “end of the universe” to see if finity or its opposite, infinity obtains. All we can
do is assume one or the other. Big Bang theorists assume finity—we beg to differ.
Once we assume infinity,
everything falls into place. Other consupponible assumptions start to make
sense in the fact vs. theory debate. Per the Third Assumption of Science, uncertainty (It is impossible to know everything
about anything, but it often is possible to know more about anything), working in
conjunction with the Second Assumption of Science, causality (All effects have
an infinite number of material causes) we can have no perfect theories. To think
otherwise is akin to the equally subjective error demonstrated by “mathists”
who hubristically claim the universe must follow their humanly devised, necessarily
finite mathematical laws. Ultimately, the Infinite Universe
has no such obligation. That is why no theories can be perfect and why any
measurements of the facts used to support them always have a plus or minus
heavily dependent on the constituents of the object being measured and the
environment in which it exists. Theories have exceptions while properly
measured facts do not. Light from distant elderly galaxies is either redshifted or it is not. The theory that water always runs downhill is true, except when it is not
(Figure 1).]
Figure 1. Flowing
artesian well.[7]
[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The Physical Cause of Gravitation: viXra:1806.0165 (“Aether Deceleration Theory”)
[2] Borchardt, Glenn,
2020, Religious Roots of Relativity: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science
Institute, 160 p. [
[3] Borchardt, Glenn,
2004, The Ten Assumptions of Science: Toward a New Scientific Worldview:
Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 125 p. [
[4] Popper, K.R.,
2002, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (15th ed.): New York, Routledge, 544 p.
[5] Borchardt, Glenn,
2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science
Institute, 337 p. [].
[6] Collingwood,
R.G., 1940, An Essay on Metaphysics: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 354 p.
[7] Milfred, C.J., and Hole, F.D., 1970, Soils of Jefferson County, Wisconsin: Madison, WI, State of Wisconsin, p. 58.
ASY-Lviv. Бесконечные системы подразумевают бесконечную энергию (на своё содержание и управление). Степень нашего не знания - бесконечность в представлении чего либо! Для автора приведу расчётные данные о Вселенной:
ReplyDelete1. Радиус силовой 3,39 х 10 в 40 степени св. лет.
2. Масса 1,102 х 10 в 72 степени кГ.
3. Скорость вращения силовой оболочки - 7910 м/с.
4. Скорость вращения силовой (гравитационной) оболочки Солнца - 7910 м/с.
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