Eric Lerner on “The Big Bang Never Happened”

PSI Blog 20230220 Eric Lerner on “The Big Bang Never Happened”


Debate between a long-time “subversive” opponent and “distinguished” cosmogonist Claudia Maraston


                 Claudia Maraston and Eric Lerner


Eric is best known for his 30-year-old book supporting plasma cosmology as an alternative to the Big Bang Theory:


Lerner, E.J., 1992, The Big Bang Never Happened: A Startling Refutation of the Dominant Theory of the Origin of the Universe: New York, Vintage Books, 440 p.[1]


Among his admirable assertions in that book was that the universe was infinite in extent and infinite in time. As one can imagine, cosmogonists (those who assume the universe had a beginning) were highly critical.


I reviewed one critique, which was presented by theoretical physicist Victor Stenger in “Skeptical Inquirer.” It turned out that the Inquirer should have been more skeptical of one of their favorite sons. Stenger’s review is replete with errors that I pointed out along with a few made by Lerner:




Here is the debate between Lerner and Maraston:




[1] Lerner’s book mentions “plasma” 432 times and “infinite” only 198 times. Although he mentions infinity more than most reformers, his overemphasis on a single microcosmic type (plasma) lacks the generality necessary for the correct version of Infinite Universe Theory. For instance, Eric nonetheless assumes the Sixth Assumption of Religion, noncomplementarity        (All things are subject to divergence from all other things). That assumption would not be the way to begin an attack on the universal expansion trope. Furthermore, he would not be able to resolve the SLT-Order paradox (see: Borchardt, Glenn, 2008, Resolution of the SLT-order paradox, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance: Albuquerque, NM, v. 5 [10.13140/RG.2.1.1413.7768].)



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