Nine-year Old Genius Calls Out Cosmogonist Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Falsity of the Big Bang Theory

PSI Blog 20230208 Nine-year Old Genius Calls Out Cosmogonist Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Falsity of the Big Bang Theory


This kid is about to enter college knowing the Big Bang Theory violates the First Law of Thermodynamics.


David Balogun


Thanks to Sahil Gupta via A Cosmology Group who gave us this heads up:




Be sure to look at 6:42 where David Balogun refutes the Big Bang Theory by mentioning the first of our 19 falsifications of the theory:





“1. The Big Bang Theory claims the universe exploded out of nothing. That is in violation of the First Law of Thermodynamics, which properly states matter and the motion of matter can be neither created nor destroyed.”


What great fun poking holes in the current astrophysical mess? Even a child can do it by getting some words in edgewise. DeGrasse ultimately seems flustered, reverting to the usual demand for proof although there is no proof for matter having been created out of nothing. The Big Bang is all just a fantasy.


It is so refreshing to see a genius who actually exhibits common sense instead of the philosophical muddle Einstein and Hawking left us with.


We wish David well in his quest to become an astrophysicist and join the Last Cosmological Revolution. Let us hope he is strong enough to resist the university deprogramming he probably will be forced to endure.



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