Borchardt Interview on Infinite Universe Theory

PSI Blog 20230508 Borchardt Interview on Infinite Universe Theory

Wide-ranging discussion with Michael and Anastasia at DemystifySci, a video podcast that is starting to interview progressive physicists.

I am happy to announce I have been chosen #146 in a line of interviews that ordinarily are of regressive physicists, cosmogonists, and other mainstream folks. The interview is pretty long, so you might want to stream it on your TV. Just get some popcorn, pour yourself a drink, and search for “DemystifySci” on the Youtube.com channel.

One thing you will notice from the interview and from Infinite Universe Theory in general is its relative simplicity. Once one jumps the finity-infinity divide much of the fantasy and distorted complications of regressive physics and cosmogony disappear. In particular, we consider there to be only two phenomena presented by all portions of the infinite universe: matter and the motion of matter.






Among the questions answered in this interview are:




Why is The DemystifySci Podcast able to present alternative views?


What assumptions are required for becoming a theoretical physicist?


How come I had trouble accepting relativity in Physics 1a?


Was I ever a believer in the Big Bang Theory?


Why did relativity and Big Bang Theory get so popular?


Why did the Sagnac experiment in 1913 prove aether existed?


Why was the Michelson and Morley experiment unable to detect aether?


What is a photon?


Why do people believe such fantastic imaginary stuff?


What is the proper application of imagination in physics?


What are the properties of aether particles?


What do the T-waves of light tell us about the morphology of aether particles?


Is gravitation a push or a pull?


Does the Pound-Rebka experiment prove time dilation?


What does the “gravitational redshift” tell us about variations in the properties of aether?


Is the cosmological redshift a distance effect?


Is nature a continuum or is it particles in motion?


What is the universal mechanism of evolution?


What is a microcosm?


What is a macrocosm?


What is the univironment?


What is a particle?


What is matter?


What is mass?


Can there be matterless motion?


Is time motion?


What is measurement?


Is everything in the universe in motion?


Does aether pressure affect clock measurements?


Is the matterless field concept valid?


How do we learn the difference between reality and imagination?


Why is theory necessary for experimentation?


Why and when did I discover the Big Bang Theory was nonsense?


What part did curiosity and multidisciplinary work have to do with the development of Infinite Universe Theory?


What did the questioning of authority in the sixties have to do with it?


What are the two types of Lutheranism and how did they lead to the development of doubt?


How do outrageous claims encourage doubt in religion and politics?


What is a cause?


How do authoritarianism and institution worship prevent paradigm shift?


Does paradigm shift occur slow or fast?


Did I witness the slow development of plate tectonic theory without screaming in the streets?


What does atomism have to do with the space-matter continuum?


What do the perfectly empty space and perfectly solid matter idealizations have to do with Einstein’s relativity?


How was an 8-year-old able to best Neil de Grasse Tyson in a debate about Big Bang Theory?


Why are fundamental assumptions critical in producing a paradigm shift?


What did Collingwood’s “Essay on Metaphysics” have to do with the development of Infinite Universe Theory?


How does consupponibility support Infinite Universe Theory?


What is a matter-motion term?


What is momentum?


What is force?


What is energy?


Why do folks have so much difficulty in switching to infinity?


How many stars in the Milky Way?


How many galaxies in the universe?


What do elderly galaxies mean for Infinite Universe Theory?


What were “island universes?”


Are cyclical universes possible?


Why do reformists have 3,500 theories?


Why does the universe have to be infinite for things to form?


Where does matter come from?


What does vortex formation have to do with the formation of aether complexes?


How is pedochronopaleoseismology used for determining prehistoric earthquakes?


How is it possible to know which faults are active?


What are earthquake planning scenarios?


What is the difference between aseismic creep and earthquakes?


Did subduction in the SF Bay area move northwest to Humboldt County?


What is neutron activation analysis?


How did we sort of predict the eruption of Mt Helens in Oregon?


Will the expected subduction M9.2 earthquake in Humboldt extend all the way to Canada?


Are Portland and Seattle ready for the Big One?


Why did the Soviet Union and Russia build so many seismically dangerous highrises?


How to find out more about Infinite Universe Theory?


Here is the Infinite Universe Theory Interview





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