Why the Infinite Universe Will Never Reach “Thermal Equilibrium”

 PSI Blog 20230515 Why the Infinite Universe Will Never Reach “Thermal Equilibrium”


As Einstein admitted, everything in the universe is moving with respect to other things.


Classical demonstration of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Borchardt, 2017, Fig. 3.3).

We occasionally give free books to readers who present the best questions. Here is a good one from Olaf Schlüter who asks:


How come that an eternal universe hasn't reached thermal equilibrium and maximum entropy yet as it would be predicted by thermodynamics? The universe we live in hasn't achieved none of that by now.


[GB: Olaf, thanks so much for your astute question.


Let me first explain for others what equilibrium means. An equilibrium occurs when outputs and inputs reach a relative standoff. For instance, a helium balloon in earth’s atmosphere illustrates the temporary equilibrium between the helium molecules within and the nitrogen molecules without. Coincidentally, I presented "The Scientific Worldview" as the philosophy of univironmental determinism (what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter within and without). Univironmental determinism also happens to be the universal mechanism of evolution that I proposed as the general replacement for Neo-Darwinism, which is only a special case limited to biology.


Univironmental Analysis


We invented the word “univironment” to emphasize the critical connection between each XYZ portion of universe (defined as a “microcosm”) and its nearby environment (defined as the “macrocosm”). As Olaf implied, the general tendency is for microcosms to reach univironmental equilibrium with their macrocosm. The trouble is, with everything in the Infinite Universe being in motion, no permanent equilibrium is possible.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT)


The figure above is what we use to explain how the SLT works. Chamber A is filled with gas and chamber B is a vacuum. Turning the intervening valve allows the gas molecules to enter chamber B under their own inertia. Inertia was described by Newton’s First Law of Motion (Every microcosm continues in uniform motion until the direction and velocity of its motion is changed by collisions with supermicrocosms.)[1] An equilibrium occurs when the number of gas molecules in both chambers is roughly equal. We also say that the result has been an increase in entropy.

The SLT only applies to systems that are ideally isolated. As shown in the figure, no matter or motion inputs are allowed. The SLT is what we call a “systems theory.” The problem with systems theory, however, is that it tends to over emphasize the microcosm and deemphasize the macrocosm (the outsides of things). In other words, that is what “isolation” amounts to. The Big Bang Theory is the archetype of such a theory. Whether imagined as a fantastic 4-dimensional space-time system or as a system surrounded by perfectly empty space, it satisfies the main criteria for application of the SLT: isolation.



Although the SLT is nice for describing local equilibria, it is only an idealization. Again, there are no truly isolated systems in the universe. In fact, if chamber A was perfectly isolated, being a finite system unto itself, there would be no vacuum chamber for its gas molecules to enter. The SLT would not even work if the isolation of any system was perfect. The misbegotten “heat death of the universe” trope presupposes that the universe is finite and isolated. In addition, the “heat” imagined therein supposedly occurs as the magical energy that travels as matterless motion through Einstein’s imagined perfectly empty space.


SLT and Infinite Universe Theory


Infinite Universe Theory aptly assumes the Sixth Assumption of Science, complementarity (All things are subject to divergence and convergence from other things). For that to be true, the Eighth Assumption of Science, infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions) also has to be true. These two fundamental assumptions are consupponible: That is, you can assume both without contradiction. Although fundamental assumptions like these never can be completely proven, their logic supplies elegance to Infinite Universe Theory as a replacement for the Big Bang Theory. In addition, complementarity provides the resolution of the SLT-order paradox.[2] That answers the question: If the Second Law of Thermodynamics produces only disorder, how come there is so much order all around us?


According to Collingwood, fundamental assumptions like those above always have opposites, which also cannot be completely proven. In this case, they are the Sixth Assumption of Religion, noncomplementarity (All things are subject to divergence from all other things) and the Eighth Assumption of Religion, finity (The universe is finite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions). We call them religious because their logic ultimately leads to an imagined creation and an imaginary creator. Also, according to Collingwood, if one of the fundamental assumptions is correct, then its opposite has to be incorrect.

Because most folks are religious or have religious backgrounds, the religious assumptions are taken for granted, though seldom admitted as such by today’s physicists who must therefore be considered “regressive” in their assumptive leanings toward cosmogony (the study of the beginning of the universe).


Another important assumption is the Fourth Assumption of Science, inseparability (Just as there is no motion without matter, so there is no matter without motion). With this assumption we can analyze the Second Law of Thermodynamics in terms of matter and the motion of matter. In the Infinite Universe any matter or the motion of matter diverging from one microcosm continues on to form yet another microcosm elsewhere. Actually, each microcosm and its containing submicrocosms appear as temporary interruptions in Newton’s First Law of Motion.


Still another is the Fifth Assumption of Science, conservation (Matter and the motion of matter can be neither created nor destroyed). This is the first of at least 20 falsifications of the Big Bang Theory. Coincidentally, it is what 9-year-old genius David Balogun used to best cosmogonist Neil deGrasse Tyson in destroying the Big Bang Theory forthwith. In the present discussion, conservation, which has never been falsified, would not necessarily prevent universal equilibrium. If one assumed the Eighth Assumption of Religion, finity (The universe is finite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions) one could imagine an equilibrium of the “ultimate constituents” of matter. As imagined by the atomists, these would have to be perfectly spherical solid particles that were all identical. Nonetheless, no such things could ever exist per the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things). That assumption, too, is consupponible with infinity.


And, as alluded to above, the imagined “heat death of the universe” supposedly would produce a final equilibrium in which all the mass of the universe was converted into energy, construed as matterless motion. This also is a common part of the creed of regressive physics and cosmogony—that is where the dark energy trope comes from. Be reminded that energy neither exists nor occurs—it is merely a calculation describing matter in motion. In particular, mass is not converted magically into the energy construed as matterless motion. But it is true as Martin Gardner wrote: “As the coffee cools, mass is lost.”[3] How can that be possible if we don’t have matterless motion? My widely read paper on that subject explained that the submicrocosm motion responsible for the resistance we call mass is transferred across the univironmental boundary to the supermicrocosms in the macrocosm.[4] In the coffee case, those supermicrocosms happen to be your skin cells if you are unlucky or air molecules if you are lucky. Lacking an atmosphere or other baryonic particles, it necessarily would involve aether particles, whose particle-to-particle collisions, allow the transfer of motion throughout the universe.


Like all microcosmic motion in the Infinite Universe, wave motion in the aether medium is not merely unidirectional. Per complementarity, that motion diverges from luminous objects and converges toward them. Stars emitting the motion we call light also are subject to light from other stars emitting light. Every microcosm in the Infinite Universe is in motion with respect to other microcosms.




Infinite Universe Theory is in agreement with Einstein that all things in the universe are in motion with respect to other things. Of course, with the universe being infinite, there is no “first cause” required to set the universe into motion, for its various parts already are in motion, having received collisions from still other microcosms in the Infinite Universe, ad infinitum. There may be a temporary equilibrium for any particular microcosm when it forms from the supermicrocosms in its macrocosm. But, because its resulting submicrocosms are continually in motion, the eventual divergence of its constituents and their motion[5] is inevitable. For every death there must be a birth. For every divergence there must be a convergence. There is no rest for the weary in the Infinite Universe.]


[1] As modified in “Infinite Universe Theory.” I define a microcosm as an xyz portion of the universe and a supermicrocosm as a microcosm existing outside that microcosm.

[3] Gardner, Martin, 1962, Relativity for the Million: New York, Macmillan, p. 66.

[4] Borchardt, Glenn, 2009, The physical meaning of E=mc2, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance: Storrs, CN, v. 6, no. 1, p. 27-31 [10.13140/RG.2.1.2387.4643]. [This shows why aether often is necessary for transmitting submicrocosmic motion to the macrocosm.]

[5] Ibid.


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