Why the Infinite Universe is not Evolving

 PSI Blog 20231127 Why the Infinite Universe is not Evolving


Every portion of the Infinite Universe is evolving, but the universe is not.


Thanks to Anon for this question:


“You said ‘the Infinite Universe does not evolve over time, with only its individual parts doing so,’ for this to occur as a whole are you suggesting that there is an exogenous or endogenous force that purposely ensures that the Infinite Universe does not evolve?  That Universal "cancer" could not take place, or that natural evolution which is seen in all things on earth remains static for the Infinite Universe?  How does the Infinite Universe not evolve?”


[GB: Let me state the answer in a few different ways:


1.   According to the universal mechanism of evolution, univironmental determinism, what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter within and without. That mechanism does not apply to the Infinite Universe because it has no “without.”

2.   Another way of looking at it is this: Evolution is motion. Motion involves a change in distance with respect to some other thing. There is no thing outside the Infinite Universe that exists as a referent. Only a finite universe could evolve. That is probably why neo-Darwinists favor the Big Bang Theory, although the discovery of “elderly galaxies” at the limit of observation must puzzle them too.

3.   There certainly is no “exogenous or endogenous force that purposely ensures that the Infinite Universe does not evolve.” Remember that forces do not exist. They are simply calculations (F=ma) involving the collisions between objects containing other objects and thus having mass. Again, there is nothing exogenous to the Infinite Universe because, by definition, it contains all that exists.

4.   Also, the Infinite Universe has no “purpose” as much as we would like there to be one. It just is. What exists is what remains after the “destruction of the unfittest.”

5.   I am sorry, but the idea of a “universal cancer” or a “heat death” for the Infinite Universe is a non sequitur. Birth is a coming together of ingredients; while death is a coming apart of those ingredients. Ingredients are necessary for each portion of the universe, but the Infinite Universe does not have that necessity because it already contains everything.

6.   The necessity to have ingredients for the production of anything is why the universe cannot be finite, as I pointed out in more detail here. In essence, each portion of the Infinite Universe forms from ingredients from elsewhere ad infinitum. No inexplicable explosion out of nothing is required.]


PSI Blog 20231127


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