Time Travel Nonsense


PSI Blog 20231218 Time Travel Nonsense


Sorry, but the Infinite Universe does not allow traveling back in time.


“Researchers have illuminated the potential of using simulated models of time travel to solve complex issues that conventional physics cannot.” (Shavit, 2023) (Photo credit: Creative Commons)


Is time travel actually possible? Scientists make groundbreaking discovery


Thanks to Marilyn for this heads up:


Astute readers know the Seventh Assumption of Science, irreversibility (All processes are irreversible) precludes time travel. Everything in the Infinite Universe is in motion with respect to other things. The arrangement of stars and galaxies is unique each night. “Going back in time” for even one day would require one to move each of them back to where they were the day before.


From time to time, we get headlines like the above that keeps the old “time travel” trope alive. Fantasy sells and only shows how little real thinking you have to do to get funding in theoretical physics. Nonetheless, it makes for a nice example of a major contradiction that regressive physicists never can resolve.


You see, they believe (by definition) that light is a massless particle filled with perfectly empty space that travels perpetually through perfectly empty space at a velocity of c. The contradiction arises when light goes from a slow medium to a fast one. For instance, how does a light particle traveling at 225 million m/s in water get instantly accelerated to 300 million m/s in air?


How a Low Velocity Collision Can Produce a High Velocity Wave

The truth is that light is not a particle, but a wave in a sea of aether particles. The velocity of a wave is determined by the medium. That is why:

1.    Light does not lose velocity over distance like real particles do. (A baseball or a bullet is a good example.)

2.    Light’s velocity remains constant as long as the medium remains unchanged.

3.    The motion of the source producing a light wave contributes no velocity to that wave.


A medium consists of trillions of particles having local interparticle velocities about 50% greater than the velocity of the waves produced in that medium. Sound waves, for instance, travel through air at 343 m/s, while the interparticle velocities of nitrogen and oxygen average 515 m/s. Even a tiny collision with some of those particles can initiate wave motion. For instance, a drummer can use a drumstick (traveling at a velocity of 2 m/s) to start a sound wave traveling at 343 m/s. And you can drop a tiny pebble in a calm lake and it will initiate a wave traveling at 2.8 m/s. All it takes is to produce a collision with some of those particles already having high-velocity interparticle motion or vibration within the medium.

Significant “Milestone?”

According to author Shavit: “The findings, detailed in the study "Time-varying media, relativity, and the arrow of time," were published in the journal Optica, marking a significant milestone in the annals of theoretical physics.”


Yikes! I don’t think so. In addition to the customary “phontonitis,” here are some of the other transgressions appearing in the article:


1.    Curved spacetime (Actually, any evidence for this “Einsteinism” is simply the result of refraction when light enters a different medium).

2.    Time dilation (Time is motion and cannot dilate). Einstein’s erroneous substitution of “l” for “t” in Special Relativity Theory won’t cut it.

3.    Length contraction (Why not “time contraction,” which is just as bad, but would at least be consistent?).

4.    Still using the Second Law of Thermodynamics without its complement, which was resolved long ago, albeit with the assumption of infinity.[1]



PSI Blog 20231218


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[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2008, Resolution of the SLT-order paradox, Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance: Albuquerque, NM, v. 5 [10.13140/RG.2.1.1413.7768]. [The Second Law of Thermodynamics is a law describing divergence and its complement is a law describing convergence. In the Infinite Universe the coming apart of things is equivalent to the coming together of things.]



  1. It all depends on ones conception of "time" and motion.

    If one has a linear conception of time as a linear motion, it doesn´t seem possible, but the "time-travelling concept" is perfectly logical if having a cyclical perception of motion in time.

    Lots of neardeath experiences speak of having a meeting with their ancestors = a spiritual travelling back in time, and when returning to this life again, they also often got a message of their future tasks in life = forward in time.

    Ivar Nielsen
    Natural Philosopher & Comparative Mythologist

  2. You are mixing the physical with the metaphysical and I’m pretty sure you are aware of this 😏- having been a student of Dr Borchardt’s works for a year or so has grounded me in the physical real as far as science goes. No denying the physical has created the human mind with all its metaphysical fantasies. Such fantasies then do come back to have great effect on the physical world through human action. For example: a physical brain has a metaphysical fantasy (Gods and demons) and that leads their physical mind to direct their physical body in good or evil works. However none of that changes physical reality as far as the rules of the game of matter and motion. Our minds can use our bodies to manipulate these but not break their laws. Motion must always exist, thus time will always march forward as we can’t put everything in the universe back where it was 5 minutes or 25 years ago. Therefore and concepts of looped time can only be metaphysical human fantasy - perhaps sadly.


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