What keeps satellites in orbit?

 PSI Blog 20240506 What keeps satellites in orbit?


Inertia of Planets and Aether Deceleration Theory of Gravitation


Artist’s impression of space debris around Earth (the size of debris compared to Earth is exaggerated). Photo credit: APS/Carin Cain


Anon writes:


“Hi Dr. Borchardt,


I was studying the curved space-time theory for reference.  What I didn't understand is that there is a large object that "curves" space-time (ex. Sun) and the smaller objects (the planets) take an elliptical pattern of rotation around the sun due to the indentation the larger object makes on curving space-time.  However, after a few rotations in this example the planets start losing velocity and start moving closer to the larger object (the sun) that the other objects (the planets) are rotating around.


How does ADT [Aether Deceleration Theory of Gravitation] explain the planets and the sun maintaining a certain velocity to keep a constant distance without allowing the sun's gravitation to attract the planets to amalgamate with the sun?”


[GB: Good question, but first we need to discard the magical “attraction,” which still is a major part of theoretical physics and cosmogony. Next, we have to reiterate Newton’s First Law of Motion, which I modified as follows:


“Every microcosm continues in uniform motion until the direction and velocity of its motion is changed by collisions with supermicrocosms.”


Remember that Newton used the word “unless” instead of the “until” we use. This was a tipoff that he assumed the universe was finite. In tune with that, he assumed cosmological bodies ultimately were surrounded by perfectly empty space, which he called “absolute space.” If that was true, those bodies really would travel perpetually only in a straight line, never to revolve around other bodies like they obviously do. That is why the magical attraction hypothesis was necessary even though his laws of motion did not include it.


The problem with “attraction” is that there is no known physical reason for it. Be reminded that in progressive physics we assume all causes are physical: the collision of one thing with another per Newton's Second Law of Motion, which I modified as:


“The alteration of motion is ever proportional to collisions from supermicrocosms; and is made in the direction in which those supermicrocosms were traveling.”


This is where aether particles become critical for producing the curved motion of satellites. The aetherosphere around each rotating cosmological body has relatively high distal aether pressure and relatively low proximal aether pressure. A revolving satellite exists at the point at which the distal impacts match the proximal impacts. This is similar to the process by which an airplane remains in the atmosphere.]


“If earth is losing velocity, could it be moving closer to the sun or nearer mercury causing climate change? If this is not the case now, how long would it be before earth gets pulled into the sun's gravity?  Could ADT predict this?”


[GB: Earth indeed is losing velocity, just like any other object undergoing inertial motion in a universe in which perfectly empty space is impossible. Earth’s macrocosm (non-empty space) produces friction that slows its rotation sporadically by a “leap” second about every two years. Its revolution about the Sun slows too, amounting to a “leap” day every four years. This means the size of Earth’s orbit is increasing. It is not currently being pushed into the Sun, so it eventually will get colder, not warmer.


In the meantime, Earth is getting warmer, with sea level at San Francisco rising at about 2 mm/yr during the last century. Of course, that warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years, with sea level having been 126 m lower than it is now. That is part of the glacial cycle with subcycles occurring as well. For instance, there was a medieval warm period about 1000 years ago and a “little ice age” about 600 years ago. The major glacial-interglacial cycles were explained by Milankovitch, who used the precession, obliquity, and eccentricity of Earth in his theory. We pointed out some failures of that theory in explaining the sedimentary record:


 Puetz, S.J., Prokoph, Andreas, and Borchardt, Glenn, 2016, Evaluating alternatives to the Milankovitch theory: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, v. 170, no. 158, p. 158–165. [10.1016/j.jspi.2015.10.006].


You are right in implying that the position of Earth in relation to the Sun’s position in the Milky Way and its relation to other planets and their various cyclic behaviors affect our climate. However, Newton’s equation for gravitation F=(Gm1m2)/R2 works fine regardless if the cause is a push or pull or thought to be nothing at all.]



PSI Blog 20240506



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