Hunt for Dark Matter Particles Bags Nothing—Again

PSI Blog 20240902 Hunt for Dark Matter Particles Bags Nothing—Again


Aether denial produces yet another failure.


“Light bounces off the LUX-ZEPLIN detector’s inner photomultiplier tubes and woven mesh wire grids. The delicate innards of the LUX-ZEPLIN detector work just as they should, a new result shows.” Photo credit: Matthew Kapust/Sanford Underground Research Facility.


Here is another illustration of your tax dollars going to waste. WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) are the non-existent hypothetical critters invented by regressive physicists in the effort to explain dark matter. As I have shown in other posts and in my infamously rejected paper,[1] dark matter is composed of aether particles that become decelerated upon producing the acceleration we call gravitation. Although over three centuries too late, we agree with Descartes that aether: 1. Forms ordinary matter, 2. Is the medium for light transmission, and 3. Is responsible for gravitation.


Any ordinary particle anyone could detect would be an aether complex. It also might be nonluminous, but it would not be the dark matter that forms an “aetherosphere” around ordinary matter and contributes to the nonluminous mass of rotating galaxies.[2]


Here is today’s outrage. Read it and weep:


Hunt for dark matter particles bags nothing—again



A few quotes:


“‘If WIMPs were there, we have the sensitivity to have seen them,’ says Chamkaur Ghag, a particle physicist at University College London and spokesperson for the 250-member LZ team.”


Science Staff Writer Cho did get this somewhat right:


“Myriad astronomical observations suggest invisible dark matter pervades most galaxies and provides the gravity needed to keep their stars from flying into space. However, physicists don’t know what sort of subatomic particles the stuff consists of. Since the 1980s, the leading candidate has been WIMPs, which would have a mass between 10 and 1000 times that of a proton…”


But then regurgitates the regressive nonsense in favor of cosmogony:


“If the Big Bang spawned WIMPs, theorists calculated, then just enough of them should linger today to account for the universe’s dark matter. That tantalizing concordance, known as the “WIMP miracle,” has been the main argument in favor of the particles, making the idea almost too compelling to be wrong.”


Well, that’s where $55 million of your tax money went, along with all that time wasted by the 250 collaborators. In retrospect, that is insignificant compared to the $13 billion and over 7,000 collaborators it took to “discover” the phony Higgs boson.[3] With that kind of money and effort you better discover something—or else!



PSI Blog 20240902



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[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The Physical Cause of Gravitation: viXra:1806.0165 (“Aether Deceleration Theory”)

[2] Rubin, V.C., 2000, One hundred years of rotating galaxies: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 112, p. 747–750. [10.1086/316573].

[3] Unzicker, Alexander, 2013, The Higgs Fake: How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 152 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/Higgs]. [Note that particle supposedly gives mass to other particles even though it supposedly exists outside, not inside those particles!]


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