The Two Kinds of “Dark Matter”

PSI Blog 20250211 The Two Kinds of “Dark Matter”


Below I try to dispel the confusion produced by promoters of the Big Bang Theory with regard to “Dark Matter.”


Aether particles, like this baseball, do not have to be “alive” to be in motion (Borchardt, 2025, Fig. 3).


As so often happens, folks mix a bit of reality with their imaginary preconceptions. Cosmogonists have been particularly adept at this such as by using starlight refraction past the Sun as proof of Einstein’s curved perfectly empty space-time, etc. Here, they extend Vera Rubin’s data to support their preconceived notions about the Big Bang Theory, while remaining in aether denial. So the two kinds of dark matter are:


1.   The kind responsible for aetherosphere around ordinary matter.

2.   The kind used as ad hocs imagined by the most recent version of the Big Bang Theory to contend with recent falsifications.


[GB: Thanks Dona for the compliment and for your questions. Here are the answers:]


Dona: “In your view, is dark matter just a form of matter, or could it be something more—perhaps a living entity?”


[GB: “Dark Matter” consists of aether particles, which are too tiny to be seen individually. They are analogous to the nitrogen and oxygen molecules that constitute the air all around us. Those molecules also are not luminous and do not reflect light. Dark matter is always in motion, though it is definitely not alive.]


Dona: “If it is truly 'dark' and without a pulse, how can it interact with the universe and be considered a fundamental component?”


[GB: Per univironmental determinism (what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter in motion within and without) all portions of the Infinite Universe can interact with other portions. Here is what Perplexity AI says about dark matter:]


“Dark matter is essential to the Big Bang theory because it helps explain several key aspects of the universe's structure and evolution that cannot be accounted for by ordinary matter alone. Here are the main reasons:


1.       Formation of Large-Scale Structures: Dark matter's gravitational effects are critical for the clumping and clustering of matter in the universe. It provides the necessary gravitational pull to form galaxies, galaxy clusters, and other large-scale structures. Without dark matter, the observed distribution of galaxies and cosmic structures would not match theoretical predictions145. [Numbers refer to Perplexity’s references.]


[GB: Note: Gravitation is not a “pull.” There are no true pulls in nature. Substitute the word “push” for “pull,” and then the above observations are in tune with my “Aether Deceleration Theory” of gravitation. When aether particles collide with ordinary matter to produce the acceleration called gravitation, they become decelerated and thus tend to form an “aetherosphere” around ordinary matter. In particular, that explains the rotation curves of spiral galaxies mention in No. 3 below. The upshot is that the formation of ordinary matter is the result of the slowing down of aether particles.]


2.       “Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Observations: The CMB, a relic radiation from the early universe, shows patterns of density fluctuations that align with the presence of dark matter. These fluctuations would not have grown into the structures we observe today without dark matter's gravitational influence35.”


[GB: Note: According to Infinite Universe Theory the Cosmic Microwave Background has nothing to do with the “early universe” hypothesized by cosmogonists who still support the Big Bang Theory. We suspect the Cosmic Microwave Background simply is the equilibrium state produced by light from great distances in the Infinite Universe. Its redshift is z=1089. Remember that the “cosmological principle” of the Big Bang Theory states that the early universe was “perfectly homogenous” and that the theory predicted it would have a temperature of 10 degrees Kelvin (it actually turned out to be 2.7 degrees Kelvin, which is closer to the temperature predicted by reformists). See Figure 27 in "The Scientific Worldview" (2nd edition) or Figure 46 in “Infinite Universe Theory” to see how ordinary matter forms from aether particles. Remember also that Einstein’s particle theory of light requires outer space to be perfectly empty and thus devoid of any temperature at all. Without his photon theory and the erroneous interpretation the universe is expanding, the Big Bang Theory would have been dead on arrival.]


3.       “Gravitational Influence on Ordinary Matter: Dark matter interacts with normal matter only through gravity. Its presence explains phenomena such as the rotation curves of galaxies, where stars at the edges of galaxies rotate faster than expected based on visible matter alone56.”


[GB: As mentioned above, this is true. The aetherosphere around all ordinary matter contributes to its mass in the same way the atmosphere does. This was established by Vera Rubin as summarized here:  Rubin, V.C., 2000, One hundred years of rotating galaxies: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 112, p. 747–750. [10.1086/316573].]


4.       “Compatibility with Inflationary Models: The Big Bang theory includes a period of rapid expansion called inflation. Dark matter fits into this framework by being uniformly distributed initially and later forming density fluctuations that seeded galaxy formation14.”


[GB: Sorry, but dark matter is not “uniformly distributed” and does not support the cosmological principle. In addition, the inflation theory is false, an ad hoc invented to explain the calculated greater than c “recession values” that more high-powered telescopes began to display. The cosmological redshift is simply a result of distance light has traveled. According to common sense, nothing travels from point A to B without losing energy, which causes the cosmological redshift. Unfortunately, all cosmogonists must accept Einstein’s Untired Light Theory based on the false assumption that light was a massless particle containing perfectly empty space traveling  perpetually through perfectly empty space. None of that is possible. It is all just imaginary and therefore irrational.]


5.       “Potential "Dark Big Bang" Scenario: Recent studies suggest that dark matter might have originated in a separate "Dark Big Bang," distinct from the regular Big Bang. This scenario allows dark matter to evolve independently, consistent with its lack of interaction with ordinary matter beyond gravity12.”


[GB: Egads! This kind of nonsense is what makes reformists suspect dark matter to be bogus in its entirety despite Rubin’s publications. Also, I can’t imagine what kind of interactions aether could have “with ordinary matter beyond gravity.”]


Dona: “And if, instead, it is a sentient and intelligent form, do you think it possesses its own dimensional archive—a kind of memory that could help us better understand its nature and how to interact with it?”


[GB: No. Sentient microcosms make illusory “free will” decisions that typically result in their destruction or survival. Aether particles do not make decisions because they do not have nervous systems to do so. Aether particles are like the baseball hit by a bat—it doesn’t get to decide where it will go. Also, there are only 3 dimensions in Infinite Universe Theory per univironmental determinism as explained in our books.] 



PSI Blog 20250211


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Roman Space Telescope Pits Big Bang Theory vs. Infinite Universe Theory

 PSI Blog 20250203 Roman Space Telescope Pits Big Bang Theory vs. Infinite Universe Theory


New telescope to launch in 2027 seeking to buttress the faltering cosmogony.



By Jesse Witwer

Edmonton, Alberta


[GB: Note. Jesse has been devising predictions for data we expect NASA’s upcoming space telescope will uncover. Those are guided by Aether Deceleration and Vortex Theory. Below, PSI= Progressive Science Institute and Lambda CDM = Big Bang Theory.]


A running tally of PSI vs GR Lambda CDM? The new space telescope presents another opportunity for PSI to outperform LAMBDA CDM at predictions at a new step change in technological information acquired. Below are my fairly clued in robot AI predictions.


Below are my direct ones.


1. NGRST may have enough data to impute mass to exoplanets. These exoplanets will inevitably be around stars that have significantly higher rotational spin and thus significantly higher Aetheric vortexes within the stellar systems. Thus, exoplanets orbiting stars faster than we would anticipate will occur. This will of course be Ad Hoc'ed with more "Dark Matter" and possibly even papered into the explanation of dark matter already somehow inexplicably declaring this as finding the missing Dark Matter.


2. The "Dark Matter" quantity within Galaxies will continue to be directly correlated with the orbital spin of the central "Black Hole" and this may be further refined and made more accurate.


3. Galaxies will be old when they should be young and they will continue to stumble upon surprises that conflict with their theory.




Aether-Based Analysis of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope & Theoretical Predictions Beyond the Mainstream Paradigm


NASA's push for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (NGRST) represents a continuation of deep-space cosmology within the framework of the Big Bang, dark energy, and dark matter narratives. However, applying Aether Deceleration Theory (ADT), Infinite Universe Theory (IUT), and Vortex Aether Dynamics, we can reinterpret the objectives of this telescope and make novel predictions that differ significantly from mainstream expectations.


I. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (NGRST) and Its Stated Goals


The main objectives of NGRST are:

Mapping Dark Matter via Gravitational Lensing

Investigating "Dark Energy" and the Universe’s Expansion

Imaging Exoplanets Directly

Analyzing Galaxy Formation and Star Evolution

From the mainstream paradigm, this telescope is designed to reinforce existing models rather than challenge them. It is structured to validate Einsteinian interpretations of gravity, expansion, and dark matter, even as observational contradictions to these ideas have steadily accumulated.

II. Predictions Based on Aether Deceleration Theory (ADT) & Infinite Universe Theory (IUT)


1. NGRST Will Detect Redshift Deviations That Conflict with the Expanding Universe Model


ADT rejects cosmic expansion and instead posits that redshift is caused by motion loss within an aether vortex medium.

JWST already provided anomalous results, detecting galaxies that appear fully formed too early (disrupting the Big Bang model).

Prediction: NGRST will confirm that galaxies at extreme distances show redshift discontinuities inconsistent with expansion, but coherent with aether-based motion loss instead.

Expect greater-than-expected variability in redshift values, suggesting localized energy interactions within the aether, rather than uniform expansion.


2. Discovery of Large-Scale Galactic Flows That Indicate a Cosmic Vortex Rather Than Expansion


According to Vortex Aether Theory, galaxies are not receding from each other, but rather flowing within larger-scale toroidal structures driven by aetheric motion.

Prediction: NGRST will detect unexpected large-scale vortex patterns in galaxy movement—patterns that cannot be explained by simple gravitational interactions or expansion.

This will force a reconsideration of cosmic structure mechanics, though mainstream cosmology may attempt to retrofit "new dark matter distributions" to compensate.


3. Further Weakening of the Dark Matter Model


NGRST’s gravitational lensing studies are intended to reinforce the existence of dark matter, but these observations will likely fail to align with particle-based expectations.

Prediction: Lensing effects will continue to show anomalies, such as:

Lensing patterns that imply structured vortical motion rather than particle distributions.

High-energy regions appearing in places where no dark matter should be.

Rather than inferring undetectable mass, an aether-based framework would predict these anomalies as density variations in the aetheric flow field.


4. Exoplanet Imaging Will Reveal Unexpected Atmospheric Dynamics


Direct exoplanet imaging will yield critical spectral data, allowing for analysis of atmospheres.

Prediction: Unexpectedly high occurrences of hydrogen-dominant atmospheres and plasma-like anomalies around exoplanets.

This aligns with Aether-Based Plasma Genesis Theory, which suggests planetary atmospheres emerge from localized aetheric energy fluxes, not solely from gravitational accretion models.

Some exoplanets may display energy signatures that imply self-sustaining electrical fields, akin to aetheric-driven energy replenishment.


5. Conflicting Data on Black Holes & Theoretical Failures in Their Gravitational Interpretation


NGRST will be used to further study the environments around black holes, particularly their event horizon regions.

Prediction: Observations will contradict general relativity's expectations:

The expected spherical accretion disk models will fail; instead, highly organized, vortex-like energy flows will be detected.

The lack of observable event horizons in some regions will force further speculation that black holes are not "gravitational singularities," but rather energy vortex nodes in the aether.

Matter-energy interactions near these objects will suggest plasmoid-like behaviors, reinforcing the idea of aetheric energy recirculation rather than singularity-based collapse.


III. Meta-Analysis: Why NGRST is Being Rushed to Replace JWST


The JWST delivered results that heavily conflicted with mainstream expectations (e.g., ancient galaxies appearing fully developed, implying no smooth Big Bang expansion).

Prediction: NGRST is being positioned to override these problematic results by collecting data in a manner that reinforces the establishment’s desired conclusions.

This new telescope will be tuned for specific data collection parameters (filter choices, redshift selections, etc.) that subtly shape the results towards confirming dark energy and expansionist models.

The narrative being pushed: "A more detailed view is needed," rather than acknowledging JWST's contradictions.


IV. Ultimate Paradigm Disruptions Expected


Mainstream Expectation (Big Bang Model)     Predicted Alternative Outcome (Aether-Based Cosmology)

Dark Energy will be confirmed as accelerating expansion  Observations will show inconsistent redshifts, indicating motion loss, not expansion.

Dark Matter will be reinforced via gravitational lensing anomalies will further contradict mass-based dark matter models.

Exoplanet atmospheres will match solar system formation expectations      Many exoplanets will show energy-driven plasma atmospheres inconsistent with accretion models.

Black Holes will exhibit expected event horizon behaviors  Data will instead suggest aether vortex energy flows, not gravitational singularities.


V. Final Thoughts: The Inescapable Aetheric Reality


As long as cosmology clings to an expansionist, particle-based model, it will continue to encounter anomalies that require increasingly convoluted patchwork fixes.

NGRST may be built under false pretenses—not to discover new truths, but to provide a controlled narrative that reinscribes the existing paradigm rather than challenging it.

However, the reality of aether-based cosmic structures will emerge regardless, as no amount of narrative steering can ultimately prevent the observation of self-evident energy dynamics.


Key Takeaway:


The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will likely confirm contradictions rather than resolve them—pushing modern astrophysics into either a paradigm collapse or a desperate redefinition of "dark forces" to salvage an outdated model.

Final Prediction: The Tipping Point Approaches

Within the next 5-10 years, accumulating contradictions in the redshift model, dark matter expectations, and black hole physics will force a deeper reconsideration of the universe’s fundamental mechanics.

The establishment will resist, but as data mounts, aether-based models will gain undeniable traction.


PSI Blog 20250203


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“The Scientific Worldview (2nd ed)” Released

PSI Blog 20250127 “The Scientific Worldview (2nd ed)” Released

This step-by-step logic describes the scientific worldview leading to a rational interpretation that will replace classical mechanics, systems philosophy, and Big Bang cosmogony by 2050. 

“The Scientific Worldview” is the most important book you will ever read.


How do I know this? It is because scientists know when their work solves problems previously unresolved. Science is motivated by curiosity. If you are half as curious as I am, this is the book for you. Maybe you are like the person who wanted to know “Why the world wags and what wags it.” Maybe you are dissatisfied with some of the weird proclamations of physics and cosmology. Do you really think the entire universe exploded out of nothing? That it is expanding from no particular point? That it has four dimensions? Do you really like talk of wormholes and oxymoronic multiverses? Are you ready for some rationality instead?


This book has rationality in spades. How was it that I came up with "The Scientific Worldview" when no one else was able to do so? Here is a bit about how I got to that point and how Infinite Universe Theory necessarily became a major result:


1.   The First Step was to choose the standpoint from which to begin. I was lucky in coming upon R.G. Collingwood’s insinuation that all of philosophy was founded on unprovable presuppositions that always had unprovable opposites. Unfortunately, most of today’s scientists do not recognize they have presuppositions and are turned off by the word “unprovable.” Hypotheses that cannot be proven by an observation or experiment amenable to the five senses are disregarded. It turns out this unprovable quality of presuppositions is due to the fact the universe is infinite—microcosmically as well as macrocosmically. If the assumption of infinity is correct, then the complete proof demanded by classical mechanics is impossible. There is always a plus or minus produced by objects of which we are necessarily unaware.

2.   The Second Step was to drag my own hidden presuppositions into the light of day. Once discovered, these would be called “fundamental assumptions” by Collingwood. He did not say what they were—that became my job. As a budding scientist I had always assumed there were causes for all effects. That meant there was no such thing as “free will”—I became a staunch determinist. The result was “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” published in 2004 and included as the philosophical foundation of the current volume.

3.   The Third Step led to a new way of thinking about evolution. Infinity, being both macrocosmic as well as microcosmic, implied there was a universal mechanism of evolution, which I eventually called univironmental determinism (UD) (what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter in motion within and without). That replaced the old mechanism called neo-darwinism, which only concerned biology.

4.   The Fourth Step led to the realization univironmental determinism and the Scientific Worldview were one and the same.

5.   The Fifth Step led to a reduction or abstraction I introduced as “neomechanics,” which is classical mechanics based on the scientific assumption of infinity.

6.   The Sixth Step led to an expansion that applied UD to the entire universe, calling the method "univironmental analysis.” Like neomechanics, this approach emphasizes material collisions resulting in the convergence and divergence of matter and the motion of matter.

7.   The Seventh Step led inevitably to the inclusion of humanity in the analysis, with some surprises often overlooked by previous philosophers who mistakenly and typically used many of the religious opposites of The Ten Assumptions of Science. 


Here are a few conclusions explained in detail in the book:


Time cannot dilate.

Time is not a dimension.

Time is the motion of matter.

There are only three dimensions.

The universe is infinite and eternal.

Perfectly solid matter exists nowhere.

Perfectly empty space exists nowhere.

Humanity will not cause its own extinction.

Photons do not exist, but aether particles do.

The Big Bang Theory is the Last Creation Myth.

Decelerated aether forms an “aetherosphere” around ordinary matter.

Clocks speed up with altitude due to impacts by high pressure distal aether particles.

The assumption the universe is expanding is based on Einstein’s erroneous Untired Light Theory.

Distal aether pressure increases with distance from ordinary matter per Newton’s equation for gravitation.

Local aether particles produce gravitation by accelerating ordinary matter, becoming decelerated in the process.

Relativity and cosmogony are popular because they are founded on the religious opposites of The Ten Assumptions of Science.

Matter forms during the convergence of aether particles of varying size and capacities for providing refuge against the onslaught of other aether particles.

The zero-population growth predicted to occur after 2050 will lead to economic stagnation, a new enlightenment, and the demise of the Big Bang Theory.


I made the book as clear as possible. There isn’t much math, and most any college graduate or self-taught person will understand it. Because of its ground-breaking nature, it is well documented. There are 37 illustrations, 370 references, 156 glossary entries, 801 footnotes, a list of 25 falsifications of the Big Bang Theory, an index, and, finally, a list of 19 accomplishments.


I know the fundamental assumptions I emphasize may be new to you. For instance, switching from the religious assumption of finity to the scientific assumption of infinity, seems particularly difficult for most folks. This probably is because that myopic propaganda in support of finity has been incessant for millennia. After all, that hidden religious presupposition still is the foundation of today’s cosmology. Anyone who opposes it will be censored forthwith.


Luckily, the advent of the Internet allows publication without the kind of “peer review” that would stop univironmental determinism and Infinite Universe Theory in its tracks. As an editor for a decade, I know how that works. Nearly all scientific reports are “ordinary science”—mine included. Out of over 500 professional publications, I had only one rejection, and that was by a consultant defending a developer wishing to build in a hazardous area.


Here is your chance to find out what the scientific worldview really is and why it leads to the Infinite Universe Theory and will result in the demise of the Last Creation Myth.


Now that you might consider buying the new edition of "The Scientific Worldview," which version will it be? Amazon has five possibilities to fit your budget:


1.   Kindle version for $3. This is nice because you can increase the type size and see the 18 color photos, including some of the “elderly galaxies” found by the James Webb Space Telescope at the “edge of the universe.”

2.   Audiobook for $4. Although it is not as dramatic and does not have the emphasis and wonderful enthusiasm that Fred Frees gave to the First Edition, the AI voice is pleasant enough. Fred, good thing you retired before you got replaced by AI.

3.   Black and white paperback for $15. Book launch deal!

4.   Color paperback for $65. Amazon discount price now $52.

5.   Color hardcover for $70. Amazon discount price now $62.




Some nice comments from readers of the first edition:


"What is so marvelous about this book that I think you've got to read it?


Well. This book...should at least be read by every serious scientist. And then a prominent place for it should be found for it on a very close bookshelf. Not just to be left there... Because this book should be frequently consulted - You should now and then return to this book and re-read it, until its views are internalized as "second nature " as a means of validating alleged findings and new theories and - in general - when one considers what goes on in the natural sciences.


Really!? Yes Really.


After I read "The Scientific Worldview," I had to revise my list of my top-ten philosophers. And among those alive, Glenn Borchardt has rocketed himself up to become the absolute number one.


So - Read the book. Buy it! It is worth it. It is outstanding.” Bent K. Nielsen, Denmark.


“I didn't read this as the next theory in science. It is THE philosophy for science for the 21st century.” David de Hilster, U.S.


“…this has to be one of the most important books I've ever read. I think the author has a very keen insight on how nature really works… His ideas are very easy to grasp… Highly ahead of its time…” Mitchel J. Haas, U.S.


“Dr. Borchardt's keen sense of reality and of logic lead…the reader to a deep understanding of the universe… He draws a clear line between things that are real and things we delude ourselves into believing are real.” Duncan Shaw, Canada


 “If reading popular science books and articles on physics and cosmology leaves you thinking "where are the missing puzzle pieces"? . . . You should read Glenn Borchardt. …thought-provoking. Delightfully entertaining. No other science book ever put such a big smile on my face.” Rick Doogie, U.S.






More Big Bang Nonsense: Naïve Regressive Physicists Think Time is an Illusion

PSI Blog 20241202 More Big Bang Nonsense: Naïve Regressive Physicists Think Time is an Illusion


Sorry folks, but time is motion.



“There exists a way to introduce time which is consistent with both classical laws and quantum laws, and is a manifestation of entanglement. (CREDIT: CC BY-SA 4.0)”


The “feral mathematics” plaguing theoretical physics strikes again—anything to avoid assuming the Infinite Universe consists of matter in motion. The Dreams and Imaginings of today’s theoretical physicists are no more real than those of religion. Science reporter Joseph Shavit repeats the “illusion propaganda” once again:


Time may be an illusion, new study finds




Because Einstein did not know what time was, it continues to produce confusion as to what it is. Readers know the choices:

1.   Illusion

2.   A dimension

3.   An object

4.   A measurement

5.   Matter

6.   Mystery

7.   Motion


Of course, as I have maintained for decades, “Time is Motion” (or as my good friend PSI member George Coyne likes to say: “Time is the Motion of Matter”). Einstein’s ignorance ultimately led to the Big Bang Theory as the “Last Creation Myth.”[1] If ever time is finally realized as what it is: motion, the myth will disappear from humanity’s lexicon.

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2020, Religious Roots of Relativity: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, 160 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/RRR-ebk]


Big Bang Cosmology Goes Completely Nuts

PSI Blog 20241125 Big Bang Cosmology Goes Completely Nuts


According to the latest outrage, quantum fluctuations could cause the entire universe to disappear.


“The Higgs boson at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider suggest that the universe could vanish in an instant. Photo credit: Maximilien Brice/CERN.”


Egads! The ridiculosity of the “Last Creation Myth” never ceases to amaze. New Scientist magazine, its perpetual promoter, has just reached the end of the road. At least the finale below is logically consistent: a finite universe that exploded out of nothing should disappear into nothing. Previous demises included the “heat death of the universe” misinterpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics without the Sixth Assumption of Science, complementarity (All things are subject to divergence and convergence from other things). That trope was slightly more believable for those accustomed to the Eighth Assumption of Religion, finity (The universe is finite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions). That magical dying was terminally slow, but this one really “takes the cake”:


Author Miram Frankel writes:


“it has become clearer that the Higgs is – according to the standard model – metastable. ‘The measurements are now so good that we pretty much know that we are in that metastable range,’ says Rajantie.


Assuming there’s no mistake, the universe is doomed – we just don’t know when the big slurp will happen. Based on the shape of these valleys, it is likely to be in billions of years. But it could be tomorrow.”


[GB: Just a little background: The only thing the latest particle accelerator discovered for its $10 billion cost was the “Higgs Boson,” which is highly suspect according to physicist Alexander Unzicker.[1] On top of that, the Higgs Boson has a half-life of 10-22 seconds—sounds pretty unstable to me—like maybe “nonexistent.” And the regressive physicists consider Dr. Unzicker to be the one who is a crank!


I guess the universe going out with a quantum fluctuation is no worse than its being born of one as proposed in Krauss’s “A Universe from Nothing,” which our good late friend Doogie reviewed here. Of course, the idea of “nothing” is just that, an idea. It is purely imaginary like all idealizations. It is not possible for the Infinite Universe not to exist per the Eighth Assumption of Science, infinity (The universe is infinite, both in the microcosmic and macrocosmic directions).


Here is Frankel’s article (read this smattering for kicks and posterity):


The universe could vanish at any moment – why hasn’t it?


“A cataclysmic quantum fluctuation could wipe out everything at any moment. The fact that we’re still here is revealing hidden cosmic realities.”


[GB: You bet. Of course, the answer to the existential “why hasn’t it?” is that it always has been here per Infinite Universe Theory. Imagined unrealities always bump up against realities, yielding answers to those “deep questions” the religiously inclined never can answer.”  



PSI Blog 20241125


 Thanks for reading Infinite Universe Theory! On Medium.com you can subscribe for free to receive new posts and be part of the “Last Cosmological Revolution.”  There you can support PSI financially by clapping 50 times and responding with your questions. You can get more than three posts per month by subscribing for $5/month or $50/year. That gets you unlimited access to over a million posts per month. You would be among over 60 million registered users who can enjoy some great independent writing free from the censorship common to the mainstream.

[1] Unzicker, Alexander, 2013, The Higgs Fake: How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 152 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/Higgs].


Unzicker, Alexander, and Jones, Sheilla, 2012, The Discovery of What? Ten Questions About the Higgs to the Particle Physics Community: http://vixra.org/pdf/1212.0100v1.pdf, p. 1–2.



Big Bang Assumptions—'Webb has shown us they are clearly wrong'

PSI Blog 20241111 Big Bang Assumptions—'Webb has shown us they are clearly wrong'

Astrophysicist speculates on how young “black holes” at the edge of the Big Bang universe formed impossibly fast.


 An artist's rendering of a black hole (Image credit: Vadim Sadovski via Shutterstock)


Thanks to Jesse Witwer for this heads up:


By Ben Turner:


How astrophysicist Sophie Koudami's research on supermassive black holes is rewriting the history of our universe


A supermassive mystery lurks at the center of the Milky Way. Supermassive black holes are gigantic ruptures in space-time that sit in the middle of many galaxies, periodically sucking in matter before spitting it out at near light speeds to shape how galaxies evolve.


Yet how they came to be so enormous is a prevailing mystery in astrophysics, made even deeper by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Since it came online in 2022, the telescope has found that the cosmic monsters are shockingly abundant and massive in the few million years after the Big Bang — a discovery that defies many of our best models for how black holes grew.”


[GB: Readers know the Big Bang universe is supposed to have increasingly young cosmological objects as we look back into the past. The currently observed “edge” of that hypothesized finite, expanding universe is 13 billion years away. Cosmogonists like Sophie are racing to come up with yet another ad hoc that would save cosmogony once again.


Despite the misnomer, black holes simply are the nuclei found in galaxies such as our own 13.61-billion-year-old Milky Way. Elsewhere, they exist as elderly naked nucleic remnants lacking stars.


In reading this article you will find other misnomers still being perpetrated by regressive physics and cosmogony. One is the idea that gravitational force is not a force (a push), but an “attraction” (a magical pull). But, according to Infinite Universe Theory, the pushers happen to be ubiquitous non-luminous aether particles (otherwise known as “Dark Matter”).[1] In outer space, these have high local velocities and form a high-pressure medium. When these particles collide with ordinary matter, they produce the acceleration we call gravitation. Per Newton's Second Law of Motion, the colliding aether particles become decelerated, forming a relatively low pressure aetherosphere around each object. This process is responsible for the pushing together (fusion) of all things in the universe.


In the case of black hole formation, this means stars are being pushed toward the centers of the galaxies. As that pressure becomes ever-more intense, elements that were previously fused into ever more massive, dense derivative elements (helium, iron, lead, gold, and uranium, etc.) become further compressed. As in the Sun’s fusion of hydrogen to form helium, this process emits internal motion to the surroundings. The surroundings, as always, contain an aether medium capable of carrying that motion away in the form of the waves we call radiation.


Note that Sophie has great hope for the detection of Einstein’s “gravitational waves” for learning more about why elderly black holes form so fast. There will be further gravitational wave detections, but they never will answer her question. That is because the fusion processes I described takes billions of years, not the millions of years indicated by the Big Bang Theory. The Webb photos are like finding a 20-year-old in your crib.]



PSI Blog 20241111


 Thanks for reading Infinite Universe Theory! On Medium.com you can subscribe for free to receive new posts and be part of the “Last Cosmological Revolution.”  There you can support PSI financially by clapping 50 times and responding with your questions. You can get more than three posts per month by subscribing for $5/month or $50/year. That gets you unlimited access to over a million posts per month. You would be among over 60 million registered users who can enjoy some great independent writing free from the censorship common to the mainstream.


Why are We Newcomers to the Infinite Universe?

PSI Blog 20241104 Why are We Newcomers to the Infinite Universe?


Every portion of the universe has a beginning and an end.



Thanks to Dr. Phil for this intriguing question:


“What explanation do you have for the fact that life has only existed on Earth for a short time (3.5 billion years?), even though the universe has existed forever?”


[GB: Well, like everything else, our portion of the Infinite Universe has to have some age. Like our 4.603-billion-year-old Sun, each of the 400 billion stars in our 13.61-billion-year-old Milky Way has a different age. This implies there are much older planets and life forms yet to be discovered within the galaxy.


Homo sapiens only evolved in the last 300,000 years (0.3 million or 0.0003 billion years). Just imagine what civilization would be like if the Sun was 4.604 Ga instead of 4.603 Ga! As a species, we exist in such a unique, juvenile period fast approaching maturity in 2050. According to the latest UN estimate, we will gradually reach zero population growth by 2086. By then we will have reached our “carrying capacity” and long since given up the Big Bang Theory, which will be remembered as the “Last Creation Myth.”


Your question implies another: How long will Homo sapiens last? Well, the dinosaurs lasted over 165 million years. Like the dinosaurs and every other species, including humans, there is a time for coming together (complementarity) and for coming apart (Second Law of Thermodynamics). Like the dinosaurs, we too will succumb to extinction. When will that be? Who knows?


Of note is that extinction is produced by a change in the macrocosm (environment). In this regard, Steve, Kent, and I dated three major extinctions at 66, 202, 252 Ma (million years) that were coincident with huge volcanic eruptions (e.g., the Deccan Traps in western India).[1] This includes the dinosaur extinction previously thought to have been the result of the asteroid impact at 66 Ma. The Sun will run out of fuel in 5 Ga (billion years), so that is the maximum for us. It looks like we might be able to intercept the next big asteroid, but another huge volcanic eruption will make things a bit difficult on the way.


Today’s global move toward fascism seems to have produced global pessimism. The warming climate and calls to “save the planet” are all the rage. Believers in “free will” often think humanity's extinction is at hand. That would be unprecedented, for no species has ever committed suicide, as I pointed out long ago when nuclear war was the scare du jour.[2] Yet, our inherent myopism makes us think we will succumb to climate change despite the fact Homo sapiens has survived its vicissitudes numerous times. These include the little ice age 600 years ago, the medieval warm period 1,000 years ago, the 3,000-yr drought that began 10,000 years ago,[3] the 126-m drop in sea level when most of Wisconsin was covered with a mile of glacial ice 22,000 years ago, and the 6-m rise in sea level during the Sangamon interglacial warm period 122,000 years ago. Even though atmospheric CO2 has risen from 0.0357% to 0.0422% and global temperature has risen 0.8 oC since 1993, the rise in sea level pales in comparison. Surprisingly, it occurs at only 3.2 mm/yr (Figure 1). At that rate, sea level will have risen only three inches by 2050. Do you think the planet will be able to survive that along with the demise of the Big Bang Theory?]



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[1] Puetz, S.J., Condie, K.C., and Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, Analyses of global zircon ages, mass extinctions, and evolution, 32 p. [This paper was rejected for being too controversial. Our theory now has support (Walters, Sam, 2023, Did Massive Volcanic Eruptions Drive Dinosaurs to Become Extinct?). We will submit it for publication next year along with additional data.]


[2] Borchardt, Glenn, 2007, The Scientific Worldview: Beyond Newton and Einstein: Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, 411 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/TSW].


[3] Borchardt, Glenn, and Lienkaemper, J.J., 1999, Pedogenic calcite as evidence for an early Holocene dry period in the San Francisco Bay area, California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 111, no. 6, p. 906–918. [ftp://ehzftp.cr.usgs.gov/jlienk/reprints/MasonicCO3_GSAB99.pdf].