Dark Matter older than the universe?

PSI Blog 20190918 Dark Matter older than the universe?

Big Bang illustration (stock image).
Credit: © Andrea Danti / Adobe Stock

PSI Blog 20190918 Dark Matter older than the universe?

Thanks to Luis for this heads up:

Here is the latest Big Bang Theory contradiction:

“Dark matter, which researchers believe make up about 80% of the universe's mass, is one of the most elusive mysteries in modern physics. What exactly it is and how it came to be is a mystery, but a new study now suggests that dark matter may have existed before the Big Bang.”

Note that Dark Matter is a mystery only to cosmogonists and other aether deniers. According to Aether Deceleration Theory, it is simply decelerated aether that surrounds all baryonic matter after it produces the acceleration called gravitation.[1] The “discovery” (actually only a calculation) is no contradiction for Infinite Universe Theory. 

[1] Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The Physical Cause of Gravitation: viXra:1806.0165.

1 comment:

Bligh said...

Gradually others are becoming aware of the Oscillating Universe and the "Field" it becomes in order for us to more easily recognize it.
Field first then ordinary matter organizes until humans arrive on the scene.
Its all in future book The Whole Enchilada, Univ Oscillation and a new Worldview.