Saving Cosmogony: New “Research” Puts “Age of Universe” at 26.7 Billion Years

 PSI Blog 20230724 Saving Cosmogony: New “Research” Puts “Age of Universe” at 26.7 Billion Years


James Webb Space Telescope paradox resolved with yet another ad hoc.

Credit: CC0 Public Domain


It had to happen. Cosmogonists just achieved salvation once again. No admission the universe is infinite, just another bunch of calculations to stumble over the “elderly galaxies” problem. Any cosmogonists paying attention knew spiral galaxies could not form in the mere 300 to 450 million years allotted by the recent JWST photos.


The “new” research published in the vaunted “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society” surreptitiously rejects Einstein’s Untired Light Theory. It grants that light might lose energy over distance as maintained by Infinite Universe Theory, but keeps the erroneous universal expansion interpretation in place. Energy loss over distance so obviously implies the universal expansion idea is bogus. The author just doesn’t get it and the reporter can’t manage a challenge to the silliness.


According to science reporter Bernard Rizk:


“Moreover, Gupta [author of the paper] suggests that the traditional interpretation of the "cosmological constant," which represents dark energy responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, needs revision. Instead, he proposes a constant that accounts for the evolution of the coupling constants.”


That should get Gupta into trouble with other cosmogonists who dearly love that constant and the fictitious “Dark Energy” that supposedly was the “cause” of the Big Bang. I doubt this ad hoc will get any traction with that crowd. On the other hand, any ad hoc is just as good as another.


So here is the first “elderly galaxies” ad hoc I am aware of. Read it and weep:  


New research puts age of universe at 26.7 billion years, nearly twice as old as previously believed


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Ivar Nielsen said...

Hello Glenn Borchardt,
I admire your work and I fully agree in the standing biased ad hoc cosmology, which prime purpose is to keep the fundings coming, leaving lesser and lesser real cosmological articles.

Even when interpreting the ancient Stories of Creation in modern terms, we can get more cosmological logics from their cyclical and etrnal perception of the Universe.

Keep up the good work!

Best Wishes

Glenn Borchardt said...


Thanks for the compliment and encouragement. We all need that!

Glenn Borchardt said...

Thanks George. You are always on top of things. BTW: Let's hope this billion (?) dollar project yields something anyway. That often happens as proven by the many Einsteinisms that supposedly "prove" relativity.

Glenn Borchardt said...
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