Vortex Motion Plaguing the Big Bang Theory

PSI Blog 20240923 Vortex Motion Plaguing the Big Bang Theory


A real explosion would have produced only straight-line motion.


“Figure 47 Microcosms in motion. Note that large microcosm A in the center shelters microcosm B from impacts from the left. Consequently, B will be pushed toward A, with the likelihood it might even end up rotating around A.” (Borchardt, 2017, p. 243)


Anon asks:


“Why are all the galaxies and star systems going in circles?”


[GB: Thanks so much for the great question! It got me thinking about what the universe would be like if it really was expanding as the result of an explosion. In “Infinite Universe Theory” I pointed out that many galaxies are colliding, which is something an explosion cannot do. Your question about circular motion brings up what amounts to a similar falsification of the Big Bang Theory.


As we showed in “Universal Cycle Theory,” vortex formation occurs throughout the Infinite Universe at all scales, from aether particles to galactic superclusters. In fact, the initial formation of ordinary matter from aether particles involves vortex formation. See Chapter 16.4 in “Infinite Universe Theory.” It follows from the universal mechanism of evolution, univironmental determinism (what happens to a portion of the universe depends on the infinite matter in motion within and without). The solution involves the application of univironmental analysis and the Ninth Assumption of Science, relativism (All things have characteristics that make them similar to all other things as well as characteristics that make them dissimilar to all other things). In other words, no two aether particles, like no two snowflakes, are identical. Be reminded that the opposing Ninth Assumption of Religion is absolutism (Identities exist, that is, any two things may have identical characteristics).


This infinite variation is necessary for the universe to exist. It is why there are an infinite number of causes for each effect and why all our measurements have a plus or minus and why the Infinite Universe often appears “messy.” It is why the Finite Particle Theory of the atomists is fallacious and merely serves as the logical counterpart to the finite universe of Big Bang Theory. It is why aether particles must be made up of aether subparticles, ad infinitum.[1]


Theoretically, ubiquitous aether particles exhibit Brownian motion just like the dust particles you sometimes see in a sunbeam entering your window in the morning. In other words, they move randomly in all directions just like nitrogen molecules do in the atmosphere. They crash into each other, with the collidee becoming accelerated and the collider becoming decelerated in the process. Per relativism, small aether particles are shielded on one side by large aether particles, causing them to be pushed together. Some of those collisions push the smaller aether particle either to the left or right, causing it to rotate clockwise or counter clockwise around the larger particle (see figure above).


The same thing happens throughout the universe, with both the microcosm and the macrocosm being critical in the formation and maintenance of vortices from atoms to solar systems, galaxies, super galaxies, and super clusters.


Incidentally, this tendency for curved motion to occur throughout the Infinite Universe has a lesson for us with regard to Newton’s First Law of Motion, “which is simply the most important observation ever made:


Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon.[2]


With this law, Newton essentially is observing that portions of the universe display two primary phenomena, matter and its motion. The matter part, the body, moves with respect to what he thought of as absolute space.”[3]


After assuming infinity, I modified Newton’s First Law to read: “Every microcosm continues in uniform motion until the direction and velocity of its motion is changed by collisions with supermicrocosms.”[4] The perfectly empty space he (and Einstein) assumed does not exist. We have plenty of evidence for aether,[5] which is responsible for the aetherosphere that surrounds ordinary matter. Aether particles colliding with neutrons and protons become decelerated, causing gravitation in the process and forming an aetherosphere around ordinary matter.[6] Being the reverse of atmospheric pressure, aetherial pressure increases distally instead of proximally. It is responsible for most of the curvatures we see throughout the universe and provides the macrocosmic reason for vortex formation. The curvature is dependent on the mass of ordinary matter, mostly consisting of neutrons and protons. This is what Einstein erroneously thought of as “curved space-time” and is an important contradiction of Newton’s First Law of Motion as implied above.


I imagine cosmogonists would assume that gravitational “attraction” magically “pulls” the various parts of cosmological objects together to form vortices. If you can believe that nonsense, you still have a problem with the fact all vortices are rotating. A vortex does not just simply decide to rotate on its own. Instead, all rotations are a result of univironmental interactions, with half the galaxies appearing from Earth to rotate clockwise and half counter clockwise. The rotations begin when two objects brush past each other.


You can do a demonstration Newton would have loved: Just put two apples touching side-by-side. Now push each forward and note the one on the left rotates counter clockwise and the one on the right rotates clockwise. With galaxies, that touch is performed by the aetherosphere (dark matter) that surrounds all ordinary matter per ADT.[7] In other words, if galaxies were surrounded by Einstein’s perfectly empty space, they would never rotate.]



PSI Blog 20240923


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[1] Puetz, S.J., and Borchardt, Glenn, 2011, Universal Cycle Theory: Neomechanics of the Hierarchically Infinite Universe: Denver, Outskirts Press, 626 p. [https://go.glennborchardt.com/UCT].

[2] Newton, Isaac, 1687 [1846], Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Translated by Andrew Motte: New York, NY, Daniel Adee, 581 p. [http://go.glennborchardt.com/Newton1687Principia].

[3] Borchardt, Glenn, 2017, Infinite Universe Theory: Berkeley, California, Progressive Science Institute, p. 98 [http://go.glennborchardt.com/IUTebook].

[4] As modified in “Infinite Universe Theory.” I define a microcosm as an xyz portion of the universe and a supermicrocosm as a microcosm existing outside that microcosm.

[5] Infinite Universe Theory, Fig. 42, p. 232.

[6] Borchardt, Glenn, 2018, The Physical Cause of Gravitation: viXra:1806.0165 (“Aether Deceleration Theory”)

[7] Ibid.

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